Source code for pynusmv.trace

The module :mod:`pynusmv.trace` defines the classes :class:`Trace` and 
:class:`TraceStep` which serve the purpose of representing traces (executions) 
in a PyNuSMV model.

For instance, these classes are used to represent a counter example in the scope
of LTL verification via bounded model checking.

from enum                import IntEnum
from _collections_abc    import Iterable

from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.trace import trace as _trace

from pynusmv.utils       import PointerWrapper, indexed
from pynusmv.node        import Node 
from pynusmv.fsm         import SymbTable
from pynusmv.collections import NodeList
from pynusmv.exception   import NuSmvIllegalTraceStateError

[docs]class TraceType(IntEnum): """ The possible types of traces """ UNSPECIFIED = _trace.TRACE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, COUNTER_EXAMPLE = _trace.TRACE_TYPE_CNTEXAMPLE, SIMULATION = _trace.TRACE_TYPE_SIMULATION, EXECUTION = _trace.TRACE_TYPE_EXECUTION, END = _trace.TRACE_TYPE_END def __str__(self): """:return: a string representation of this trace type""" return _trace.TraceType_to_string(self)
[docs]class Trace(PointerWrapper, Iterable): """ Encapsulates the details of a counter example trace. """ def __init__(self, ptr, freeit=False): super().__init__(ptr, freeit=freeit) def _free(self): if self._freeit and self._ptr is not None: _trace.Trace_destroy(self._ptr) self._ptr = None self._freeit = False @staticmethod
[docs] def create(description, trace_type, symb_table, symbols_list, is_volatile): """ Creates a new (empty trace) :param description: a text describing what the trace is describing :param trace_type: an enumeration value (:class:`TraceType`) describing how the trace should be interpreted :param symb_table: the symbol table used to associate an human meaningful symbol to the internal representation of the trace :param symb_list: a NodeList (:class:`pynusmv.collections.NodeList`) containing the various symbols that may appear in the trace. Note, this is not a regular python list but you can obtain a NodeList using `NodeList.from_list` if you need to. In case you just use SexpFsm (:func:`pynusmv.sexp.fsm.SexpFsm.symbols_list`) then no conversion is required as it already yields a NodeList :param is_volatile: a flag indicating whether or not the created insrance should be responsible of the symbol table reference it owns """ ptr = _trace.Trace_create(symb_table._ptr, description, trace_type, symbols_list._ptr, is_volatile) return Trace(ptr, freeit=True)
[docs] def concat(self, other): """ Concatenates all the content from `other` to self and destroys other. .. warning:: The initial state of `other` is not copied over to self. :param other: the other trace to append to self """ if other.is_registered: raise NuSmvIllegalTraceStateError("Cannot concat a registered trace") _trace.Trace_concatenate(self._ptr, other._ptr) # This function is DESTRUCTIVE ! other._ptr = None other._freeit = False return self
@property def id(self): """ An unique identifier for this trace (a non-negative number) :return: an unique identifier for this trace """ return _trace.Trace_get_id(self._ptr) @property def description(self): """:return: this trace description in a human friendly format""" return _trace.Trace_get_desc(self._ptr) @description.setter def description(self, desc): """ Sets a new description to explain what this trace is about :param desc: the new description value """ _trace.Trace_set_desc(self._ptr, desc) @property def type(self): """ Returns the TraceType (:class:`TraceType`) explaining how this trace should be interpreted :return: the trace type of this trace """ return TraceType(_trace.Trace_get_type(self._ptr)) @type.setter def type(self, trace_type): """ Sets the type of this trace (a value explaining how to interpret this trace (:class:`TraceType`). :param trace_type: the new trace type """ _trace.Trace_set_type(self._ptr, trace_type) @property def length(self): """ Length for a trace is defined as the number of the transitions in it. Thus, a trace consisting only of an initial state is a 0-length trace. A trace with two states is a 1-length trace and so forth. :return: the length of this trace """ return _trace.Trace_get_length(self._ptr) def __len__(self): """:return: the length of this trace (using the built in function)""" return self.length @property def is_empty(self): """ Tests this trace for emptiness :return: True iff this trace is empty (that is to say it has length==0) """ return bool(_trace.Trace_is_empty(self._ptr)) @property def is_volatile(self): """ A trace is volatile if it is not the owner of its symbol table reference :return: a flag indicating whether or not the trace is volatile """ return bool(_trace.Trace_is_volatile(self._ptr)) @property def is_registered(self): """ :return: true iff the trace is registered with a trace manager """ return bool(_trace.Trace_is_registered(self._ptr))
[docs] def register(self, identifier): """ sets the id of the trace (to be called by the trace manager when the trace gets registered in that context) :param identifier: an id for this trace """ _trace.Trace_register(self._ptr, identifier)
[docs] def unregister(self): """ De-associates this trace from the trace manager it was previously registered with """ _trace.Trace_unregister(self._ptr)
@property def is_frozen(self): """ A frozen trace holds explicit information about loopbacks and can not be appended a step, or added a variable value. .. warning:: After freezing no automatic looback calculation will be performed: it is up to the owner of the trace to manually add loopback information. :return: True iff this trace is frozen. """ return bool(_trace.Trace_is_frozen(self._ptr))
[docs] def freeze(self): """ Forces this trace to enter the frozen state so as to be able to add loopback information on this trace. A frozen trace holds explicit information about loopbacks. Its length and assignments are immutable, that is it cannot be appended more steps, nor can it accept more values that those already stored in it. Still it is possible to register/unregister the trace and to change its type or description. .. warning:: After freezing no automatic looback calculation is performed: it is up to the owner of the trace to manually add loopback information. """ _trace.Trace_freeze(self._ptr)
@property def is_thawed(self): """ A thawed trace holds no explicit information about loopbacks and can be appended a step or added a variable value. .. note:: As the name suggests, thawed <-> ! frozen. .. warning:: After thawing the trace will not persistently retain any loopback information. In particular it is *illegal* to force a loopback on a thawed trace. """ return bool(_trace.Trace_is_thawed(self._ptr))
[docs] def thaw(self): """ Forces this trace to enter the thawed state so as to enable the addition of steps or variables. .. note:: As the name suggests, thawed <-> ! frozen. .. warning:: After thawing the trace will not persistently retain any loopback information. In particular it is *illegal* to force a loopback on a thawed trace. """ _trace.Trace_thaw(self._ptr)
[docs] def equals(self, other): """ Two traces are equals iff: 1. They're the same object or None. 2. They have exactly the same language, length, assignments for all variables in all times and the same loopbacks. (Defines are not taken into account for equality.) .. note:: In order to be considered equal, the two traces need not be both frozen/thawed, and to both have the same registration status. (Of course two traces *cannot* have the same ID). .. warning:: This test implements an 'equals logic', not an 'is same' logic since the id field of the trace is not considered in the comparison. Hence, this equality test is inconsistent with the result of __hash__ """ if other is None: return False return bool(_trace.Trace_equals(self._ptr, other._ptr))
def __eq__(self, other): """ Magic method to perform an equality test .. warning:: This test implements an 'equals logic', not an 'is same' logic since the id field of the trace is not considered in the comparison. Hence, this equality test is inconsistent with the result of __hash__ """ return self.equals(other)
[docs] def append_step(self): """ Creates and return a new step which is appended to the current trace :return: a new trace step which corresponds to the last step of the trace. """ return TraceStep(self, _trace.Trace_append_step(self._ptr))
@property def symbol_table(self): """:return the symbol table associated to this trace""" return SymbTable(_trace.Trace_get_symb_table(self._ptr)) @property def symbols(self): """ Returns a NodeList (:class:`pynusmv.collections.NodeList`) exposing the symbols of the trace language. :returns: a NodeList exposing the symbols of the trace language """ return NodeList(_trace.Trace_get_symbols(self._ptr)) @property def state_vars(self): """ Returns a NodeList (:class:`pynusmv.collections.NodeList`) exposing the state variables that exist in the trace language :return: a NodeList containing the state variables of the trace language """ return NodeList(_trace.Trace_get_s_vars(self._ptr)) @property def state_frozen_vars(self): """ Returns a NodeList (:class:`pynusmv.collections.NodeList`) exposing the state and frozen variables that exist in the trace language :return: a NodeList containing the state and frozen variables of the trace language """ return NodeList(_trace.Trace_get_sf_vars(self._ptr)) @property def input_vars(self): """ Returns a NodeList (:class:`pynusmv.collections.NodeList`) exposing the input variables that exist in the trace language :return: a NodeList containing the input variables of the trace language """ return NodeList(_trace.Trace_get_i_vars(self._ptr))
[docs] def language_contains(self, symbol_node): """ Tests whether the given symbol represented by `symbol_node` (:class:`pynusmv.node.Node`) belongs to the trace language. .. note:: A more pythonic accessor is foreseen for the same purpose. If you prefer, you may perfectly use `symb_node` in `self` to get the exact same result. :returns: True iff this symbol_node belongs to the trace language. """ return bool(_trace.Trace_symbol_in_language(self._ptr, symbol_node._ptr))
def __contains__(self, symbol_node): """ Tests whether the given symbol represented by `symbol_node` (:class:`pynusmv.node.Node`) belongs to the trace language. :returns: True iff this symbol_node belongs to the trace language. """ return self.language_contains(symbol_node)
[docs] def is_complete(self, vars_nlist, report=False): """ Checks if a Trace is complete on the given set of vars A Trace is complete iff in every node, all vars are given a value .. note:: * Only input and state section are taken into account. Input vars are not taken into account in the first step. Defines are not taken into account at all. * If result is false and parameter 'report' is true then a message will be output in nusmv_stderr with some explanation of why the trace is not complete :param vars_nlist: a NodeList of variable symbols that need to have a value in order for the trace to be considered complete. (:class:`pynusmv.collections.NodeList`) :return: True iff the trace has a value associated to each of the vars in vars_nlist. """ return bool(_trace.Trace_is_complete(self._ptr, vars_nlist._ptr, report))
def __iter__(self): """Iterator that permits an easy navigation in the steps of the trace""" for i in range(1, len(self)+2): yield self.steps[i] @indexed.getter def steps(self, i): """ Returns the ith step of the trace .. warning:: the indices start at 1 :param i: the index/time of the step to fetch :return: the ith step of this trace """ if i < 1 or i > self.length+1: raise KeyError("step index not in the range [0; {}]".format(len(self)+1)) return TraceStep(self, _trace.Trace_ith_iter(self._ptr, i)) def __repr__(self): """ Returns a string representation of this object. """ text ="""******************************************************\n""" text+= "{} : {}\n".format(str(self.type), self.description) for step in self: text+= str(step) return text
# NOTE: covers language does not exist in the C code. # public api for symbol_is_assigned not found in C code either
[docs]class TraceStep: """ Encapsulates the details of what step is in a trace. In the context of a trace, a step is considered to be a container for incoming input and next state (i.e. it has the form <i, S>) """ def __init__(self, trace, step_ptr): """ Creates a new instance :param trace: the parent trace (the one to which this step belongs to) :param step_ptr: a swig wrapper to the unerlying NuSMV pointer representing this step (:type: `TraceIter`) """ self.trace = trace self._ptr = step_ptr @property def is_loopback(self): """ Tests whether the state denoted by this step is a loopback state w.r.t the last state in the parent trace. This function behaves accordingly to two different modes a trace can be: frozen or thawed(default). If the trace is frozen, permanent loopback information is used to determine if this step has a loopback state and no further loopback computation is made. If the trace is thawed, dynamic loopback calculation takes place, using a variant of Rabin-Karp pattern matching algorithm. .. note:: No matter the configuration, the last step of a trace is always seen as *NOT* being a loopback step. """ return bool(_trace.Trace_step_is_loopback(self.trace._ptr, self._ptr))
[docs] def force_loopback(self): """ Forces this step to be considered as a loopback step using explicit loopback information (trace must be frozen) Use this function to store explicit loopback information in a frozen trace. The trace will retain loopback data until it is thawed again. :raises NuSmvIllegalTraceStateError: if the parent trace is not frozen """ if not self.trace.is_frozen : raise NuSmvIllegalTraceStateError( """ The parent trace must be frozen before explicit loopback information can be used """) _trace.Trace_step_force_loopback(self.trace._ptr, self._ptr)
[docs] def assign(self, symbol_node, value_node): """ Stores an assignment into a trace step .. warning:: Assignments to symbols not in trace language are silently ignored. :param symbol_node: a Node (:class:`pynusmv.node.Node`) representing the symbol to which a value is assigned :param value_node: a Node (:class:`pynusmv.node.Node`) representing the value being assigned to the symbol :return: true iff the assignment worked smoothly. :raises NuSmvIllegalTraceStateError: if the parent trace is frozen """ if self.trace.is_frozen: raise NuSmvIllegalTraceStateError( """ The parent trace must be thawed before any assignment can be added to this trace step. """) return bool(_trace.Trace_step_put_value(self.trace._ptr, self._ptr, symbol_node._ptr, value_node._ptr))
def __iadd__(self, assignment): """ Stores an assignment into a trace step .. note:: Assignments to symbols not in trace language are silently ignored. :param assignment: is a tuple composed of a symbol_node (:class:`pynusmv.node.Node`) representing the symbol to which an assignment is made and a value_node (:class:`pynusmv.node.Node`) representing the value being assigned to the symbol. :raises NuSmvIllegalTraceStateError: if the parent trace is frozen """ self.assign(assignment[0], assignment[1]) return self @indexed.getter def value(self, symbol_node): """ Retrieves the value that was assigned to `symbol_node` in the current trace step. :param symbol_node: a Node (:class:`pynusmv.node.Node`) representing the symbol to which a value is assigned :return: a value_node, that is to say a Node (:class:`pynusmv.node.Node`) representing the value being assigned to the requested symbol. """ return Node.from_ptr(_trace.Trace_step_get_value( self.trace._ptr, self._ptr, symbol_node._ptr)) def __iter__(self): """ :return: an iterator to iterate over the variables symbols of this step """ # NuSMV advises not to use Trace_step_iter. This implementation is safer # and works well for sym in self.trace.symbols: value = self.value[sym] if value is not None: yield (sym, value) def __repr__(self): """ Returns a string representation of this object. """ text = """****** Step ******* is_loopback : [{}] ****************\n""".\ format("V" if self.is_loopback else " ") for symbol, value in self: text += "{} = {}\n".format(symbol, value) text +="""******************************************************\n""" return text def __eq__(self, other): """ Equality test between two objects. .. warning:: Beware it uses the pointer to implement the hashing function. So it is IDENTITY dependent (in C) and not value dependant. :return: True iff the two object are the same """ return self._ptr == other._ptr def __hash__(self): """ Makes this object hashable. .. warning:: Beware it uses the pointer to implement the hashing function. So it is IDENTITY dependent (in C) and not value dependant. :return: an object that can serve as key to perform the lookup in a dict. """ return self._ptr