Source code for pynusmv.parser

The :mod:`pynusmv.parser` module provides functions to parse strings
and return corresponding ASTs. This module includes three types of

* :func:`parse_simple_expression`, :func:`parse_next_expression`,
  :func:`parse_identifier` and :func:`parse_ctl_spec` are direct access to
  NuSMV parser, returning wrappers to NuSMV internal data structures
  representing the language AST.
* :data:`identifier`, :data:`simple_expression`, :data:`constant`,
  :data:`next_expression`, :data:`type_identifier`, :data:`var_section`,
  :data:`ivar_section`, :data:`frozenvar_section`, :data:`define_section`,
  :data:`constants_section`, :data:`assign_constraint`,
  :data:`init_constraint`, :data:`trans_constraint`, :data:`invar_constraint`,
  :data:`fairness_constraint`, :data:`justice_constraint`,
  :data:`compassion_constraint`, :data:`module` and :data:`model` are pyparsing
  parsers parsing the corresponding elements of a NuSMV model (see NuSMV
  documentation for more information on these elements of the language).
* :func:`parseAllString` is a helper function to directly return ASTs for
  strings parsed with pyparsing parsers.


__all__ = [

from .exception import NuSMVParsingError

from .utils import update
from .model import (Identifier, Self, Dot, ArrayAccess, Trueexp, Falseexp,
                    NumericalConst, NumberWord, RangeConst,
                    Conversion, WordFunction, Count, Next, Smallinit, Case,
                    Subscript, BitSelection, Set, Not, Concat,
                    Minus, Mult, Div, Mod, Add, Sub, LShift, RShift, Union, In,
                    Equal, NotEqual, Lt, Gt, Le, Ge, And, Or, Xor, Xnor, Ite,
                    Iff, Implies, ArrayExpr,
                    Boolean, Word, Scalar, Range, Array, Modtype,
                    Variables, InputVariables, FrozenVariables, Defines,
                    Assigns, Constants, Trans, Init, Invar, Fairness, Justice,

from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.parser import parser as nsparser
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.node import node as nsnode

from pyparsing import (Word as PWord, Forward, Optional, Literal,
                       OneOrMore, FollowedBy, Suppress, ZeroOrMore,
                       Combine, Group,
                       oneOf, delimitedList, restOfLine,
                       alphas, alphanums, nums,
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import reduce


[docs]def parse_simple_expression(expression): """ Parse a simple expression. :param string expression: the expression to parse :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVParsingError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVParsingError>` if a parsing error occurs .. warning:: Returned value is a SWIG wrapper for the NuSMV node_ptr. It is the responsibility of the caller to manage it. """ node, err = nsparser.ReadSimpExprFromString(expression) if err: errors = nsparser.Parser_get_syntax_errors_list() raise NuSMVParsingError.from_nusmv_errors_list(errors) else: node = # Get rid of the top SIMPWFF node if node.type is nsparser.CONTEXT and is None: # Get rid of the top empty context if any return nsnode.cdr(node) else: return node
[docs]def parse_next_expression(expression): """ Parse a "next" expression. :param string expression: the expression to parse :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVParsingError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVParsingError>` if a parsing error occurs .. warning:: Returned value is a SWIG wrapper for the NuSMV node_ptr. It is the responsibility of the caller to manage it. """ node, err = nsparser.ReadNextExprFromString(expression) if err: errors = nsparser.Parser_get_syntax_errors_list() raise NuSMVParsingError.from_nusmv_errors_list(errors) else: node = # Get rid of the top NEXTWFF node if node.type is nsparser.CONTEXT and is None: # Get rid of the top empty context if any return nsnode.cdr(node) else: return node
[docs]def parse_identifier(expression): """ Parse an identifier :param string expression: the identifier to parse :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVParsingError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVParsingError>` if a parsing error occurs .. warning:: Returned value is a SWIG wrapper for the NuSMV node_ptr. It is the responsibility of the caller to manage it. """ node, err = nsparser.ReadIdentifierExprFromString(expression) if err: errors = nsparser.Parser_get_syntax_errors_list() raise NuSMVParsingError.from_nusmv_errors_list(errors) else: node = # Get rid of the top COMPID node if node.type is nsparser.CONTEXT and is None: # Get rid of the top empty context if any return nsnode.cdr(node) else: return node
[docs]def parse_ctl_spec(spec): """ Parse a CTL specification :param string spec: the specification to parse :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVParsingError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVParsingError>` if a parsing error occurs .. warning:: Returned value is a SWIG wrapper for the NuSMV node_ptr. It is the responsibility of the caller to manage it. """ node, err = nsparser.ReadCmdFromString("CTLWFF " + spec) if err: errors = nsparser.Parser_get_syntax_errors_list() raise NuSMVParsingError.from_nusmv_errors_list(errors) else: node = # Get rid of the top CTLWFF node if node.type is nsparser.CONTEXT and is None: # Get rid of the top empty context if any return nsnode.cdr(node) else: return node
[docs]def parse_ltl_spec(spec): """ Parse a LTL specification :param string spec: the specification to parse :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVParsingError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVParsingError>` if a parsing error occurs .. warning:: Returned value is a SWIG wrapper for the NuSMV node_ptr. It is the responsibility of the caller to manage it. """ node, err = nsparser.ReadCmdFromString("LTLWFF " + spec) if err: errors = nsparser.Parser_get_syntax_errors_list() raise NuSMVParsingError.from_nusmv_errors_list(errors) else: node = # Get rid of the top CTLWFF node if node.type is nsparser.CONTEXT and is None: # Get rid of the top empty context if any return nsnode.cdr(node) else: return node
[docs]def parseAllString(parser, string): """ Parse `string` completely with `parser` and set source of the result to `string`. `parser` is assumed to return a one-element list when parsing `string`. :param parser: a pyparsing parser :param string: the string to parse :type string: :class:`str` """ res = parser.parseString(string, parseAll=True) if hasattr(res[0], "source"): res[0].source = string return res[0]
def _reduce_list_to_expr(list_): """ Reduces l to its token representation. :param l: a list of tokens separated by operators, with at least one token. """ _otc = {"*": Mult, "/": Div, "mod": Mod, "+": Add, "-": Sub, "<<": LShift, ">>": RShift, "=": Equal, "!=": NotEqual, "<": Lt, ">": Gt, "<=": Le, ">=": Ge, "|": Or, "xor": Xor, "xnor": Xnor} res = list_[0] for operator, token in zip(list_[1::2], list_[2::2]): res = _otc[operator](res, token) return res # Identifiers identifier = PWord(alphas + "_", alphanums + "_$#-") identifier.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Identifier(t[0])) simple_expression = Forward() # Variable and DEFINE identifiers _cip = Forward() _cip <<= Optional("." + Literal("self") + _cip | "." + identifier + _cip | "[" + simple_expression + "]" + _cip) complex_identifier = ((FollowedBy("self") + Literal("self") + _cip) | (identifier + _cip)) def _handle_ci(tokens): """ Create a complex identifier from the given list of `tokens`. :param tokens: a non-empty list of tokens """ def _handle_id(token): if token == "self": return Self() else: return token if len(tokens) <= 1: return _handle_id(tokens[0]) elif tokens[1] == ".": return Dot(_handle_id(tokens[0]), _handle_ci(tokens[2:])) else: # tokens[1] == "[" return _handle_ci([ArrayAccess(_handle_id(tokens[0]), tokens[2])] + tokens[4:]) complex_identifier.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: _handle_ci(t)) _define_identifier = complex_identifier _variable_identifier = complex_identifier # Integer numbers _integer_number = Combine(Optional("-") + PWord(nums)) _integer_number.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: NumericalConst(int(t[0]))) # Constants _boolean_constant = oneOf("TRUE FALSE") _boolean_constant.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Falseexp() if t[0] == "FALSE" else Trueexp()) _integer_constant = _integer_number _symbolic_constant = identifier _range_constant = _integer_number + Suppress("..") + _integer_number _range_constant.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: RangeConst(t[0], t[1])) _word_sign_specifier = oneOf("u s") _word_base = oneOf("b B o O d D h H") _word_width = PWord(nums) _word_value = PWord("0123456789abcdefABCDEF", "0123456789abcdefABCDEF_") _word_constant = Combine(Literal("0") + Optional(_word_sign_specifier) + _word_base + Optional(_word_width) + "_" + _word_value) _word_constant.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: NumberWord(t[0])) constant = (_word_constant # Range constant removed to follow the parser implemented by NuSMV # | _range_constant | _integer_constant | _boolean_constant | _symbolic_constant) # Basic expressions _basic_expr = Forward() _conversion = (Literal("word1") + Suppress("(") + _basic_expr + Suppress(")") | Literal("bool") + Suppress("(") + _basic_expr + Suppress(")") | Literal("toint") + Suppress("(") + _basic_expr + Suppress(")") | Literal("signed") + Suppress("(") + _basic_expr + Suppress(")") | Literal("unsigned") + Suppress("(") + _basic_expr + Suppress(")")) _conversion.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Conversion(t[0], t[1])) _word_function = (Literal("extend") + Suppress("(") + _basic_expr + "," + _basic_expr + Suppress(")") | Literal("resize") + Suppress("(") + _basic_expr + "," + _basic_expr + Suppress(")")) _word_function.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: WordFunction(t[0], t[1], t[2])) _count = (Literal("count") + Suppress("(") + delimitedList(_basic_expr) + Suppress(")")) _count.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Count(t[1])) _next = Literal("next") + Suppress("(") + _basic_expr + Suppress(")") _next.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Next(t[1])) _case_case = _basic_expr + Suppress(":") + _basic_expr + Suppress(";") _case_body = OneOrMore(_case_case) _case_body.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: OrderedDict(zip(t[::2], t[1::2]))) _case = Suppress("case") + _case_body + Suppress("esac") _case.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Case(t[0])) _base = (complex_identifier ^ (_conversion | _word_function | _count | _next | Suppress("(") + _basic_expr + Suppress(")") | _case | constant)) _ap = Forward() _array_subscript = Group(Suppress("[") + _basic_expr + Suppress("]")) _word_bit_selection = Group(Suppress("[") + _basic_expr + Suppress(":") + _basic_expr + Suppress("]")) _ap <<= Optional(_array_subscript + _ap | _word_bit_selection + _ap) _array = _base + _ap def _handle_array(tokens): """ Create an array from the given list of `tokens`. :param tokens: a non-empty list of tokens """ if len(tokens) <= 1: return tokens[0] elif len(tokens[1]) == 1: return _handle_array([Subscript(tokens[0], tokens[1][0])] + tokens[2:]) else: # len(tokens[1]) == 2 return _handle_array([BitSelection(tokens[0], tokens[1][0], tokens[1][1])] + tokens[2:]) _array.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: _handle_array(t)) _not = ZeroOrMore("!") + _array _not.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: reduce(lambda e, n: Not(e), t[:-1], t[-1])) _concat = _not + ZeroOrMore(Suppress("::") + _not) # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda _concat.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: reduce(lambda e, n: Concat(e, n), t[0:1] + t[2::2])) _minus = ZeroOrMore("-") + _concat _minus.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: reduce(lambda e, n: Minus(e), t[:-1], t[-1])) _mult = _minus + ZeroOrMore(oneOf("* / mod") + _minus) _mult.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: _reduce_list_to_expr(t)) _add = _mult + ZeroOrMore(oneOf("+ -") + _mult) _add.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: _reduce_list_to_expr(t)) _shift = _add + ZeroOrMore(oneOf("<< >>") + _add) _shift.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: _reduce_list_to_expr(t)) _set_set = Suppress("{") + delimitedList(_basic_expr) + Suppress("}") _set_set.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Set(t)) _set = (_range_constant | _shift | _set_set) _union = _set + ZeroOrMore("union" + _set) # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda _union.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: reduce(lambda e, n: Union(e, n), t[0:1] + t[2::2])) _in = _union + ZeroOrMore("in" + _union) # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda _in.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: reduce(lambda e, n: In(e, n), t[0:1] + t[2::2])) _comparison = _in + ZeroOrMore(oneOf("= != < > <= >=") + _in) _comparison.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: _reduce_list_to_expr(t)) _and = _comparison + ZeroOrMore("&" + _comparison) # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda _and.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: reduce(lambda e, n: And(e, n), t[0:1] + t[2::2])) _or = _and + ZeroOrMore(oneOf("| xor xnor") + _and) _or.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: _reduce_list_to_expr(t)) _ite = Forward() _ite <<= _or + Optional("?" + _ite + ":" + _ite) _ite.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: t[0] if len(t) <= 1 else Ite(t[0], t[2], t[4])) _iff = _ite + ZeroOrMore("<->" + _ite) # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda _iff.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: reduce(lambda e, n: Iff(e, n), t[0:1] + t[2::2])) _implies = Forward() _implies <<= _iff + ZeroOrMore("->" + _implies) _implies.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: reduce(lambda e, n: Implies(n, e), t[0:1] + t[2::2])) _basic_expr <<= _implies simple_expression <<= _basic_expr next_expression = _basic_expr # Type specifier _simple_type_specifier = Forward() _boolean_type = Literal("boolean") _boolean_type.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Boolean()) _word_type = (Optional(Literal("unsigned") | Literal("signed")) + Literal("word") + Suppress("[") + _basic_expr + Suppress("]")) _word_type.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Word(t[1]) if t[0] == "word" else Word(t[2], sign=t[0])) _enum_type = (Suppress("{") + delimitedList(_integer_number | _symbolic_constant) + Suppress("}")) _enum_type.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Scalar(t)) _range_type = _shift + Suppress("..") + _shift _range_type.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Range(t[0], t[1])) _array_type = (Suppress("array") + _shift + Suppress("..") + _shift + Suppress("of") + _simple_type_specifier) _array_type.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Array(t[0], t[1], t[2])) _simple_type_specifier <<= (_boolean_type | _word_type | _enum_type | _array_type | _range_type) _module_type_specifier = (Optional("process") + identifier + Optional(Suppress("(") + Optional(delimitedList(simple_expression)) + Suppress(")"))) _module_type_specifier.setParseAction( lambda s, l, t: Modtype(t[1], t[2:], process=True) if t[0] == "process" else Modtype(t[0], t[1:])) type_identifier = _simple_type_specifier | _module_type_specifier # Variables _var_declaration = identifier + Suppress(":") + type_identifier + Suppress(";") _var_section_body = OneOrMore(_var_declaration) _var_section_body.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: OrderedDict(zip(t[::2], t[1::2]))) var_section = Suppress("VAR") + _var_section_body var_section.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Variables(t[0])) _ivar_declaration = (identifier + Suppress(":") + _simple_type_specifier + Suppress(";")) _ivar_section_body = OneOrMore(_ivar_declaration) _ivar_section_body.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: OrderedDict(zip(t[::2], t[1::2]))) ivar_section = Suppress("IVAR") + _ivar_section_body ivar_section.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: InputVariables(t[0])) _frozenvar_declaration = (identifier + Suppress(":") + _simple_type_specifier + Suppress(";")) _frozenvar_section_body = OneOrMore(_frozenvar_declaration) _frozenvar_section_body.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: OrderedDict(zip(t[::2], t[1::2]))) frozenvar_section = Suppress("FROZENVAR") + _frozenvar_section_body frozenvar_section.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: FrozenVariables(t[0])) # DEFINE and CONSTANTS _array_expression = Forward() _array_expression <<= ( Suppress("[") + Group(delimitedList(next_expression)) + Suppress("]") | Suppress("[") + Group(delimitedList(_array_expression)) + Suppress("]")) _define = _array_expression | next_expression _define_declaration = (identifier + Suppress(":=") + _define + Suppress(";")) def _handle_define_body(s, l, t): # pylint: disable=unused-argument b = OrderedDict() for identifier, body in zip(t[::2], t[1::2]): if not isinstance(body, Expression): body = ArrayExpr(body) b[identifier] = body return b _define_section_body = OneOrMore(_define_declaration) _define_section_body.setParseAction(_handle_define_body) define_section = Suppress("DEFINE") + _define_section_body define_section.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Defines(t[0])) _constants_section_body = delimitedList(identifier) + Suppress(";") _constants_section_body.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: list(t)) constants_section = Suppress("CONSTANTS") + _constants_section_body constants_section.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Constants(list(t))) # ASSIGN, TRANS, INIT, INVAR, FAIRNESS _assign_identifier = (Literal("init") + Suppress("(") + complex_identifier + Suppress(")") | Literal("next") + Suppress("(") + complex_identifier + Suppress(")") | complex_identifier) _assign_identifier.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Smallinit(t[1]) if t[0] == "init" else Next(t[1]) if t[0] == "next" else t[0]) _assign = (_assign_identifier + Suppress(":=") + simple_expression + Suppress(";")) _assign_constraint_body = OneOrMore(_assign) _assign_constraint_body.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: OrderedDict(zip(t[::2], t[1::2]))) assign_constraint = Suppress("ASSIGN") + _assign_constraint_body assign_constraint.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Assigns(t[0])) _trans_constraint_body = next_expression + Optional(Suppress(";")) _trans_constraint_body.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: list(t)) trans_constraint = Suppress("TRANS") + _trans_constraint_body trans_constraint.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Trans(list(t))) _init_constraint_body = simple_expression + Optional(Suppress(";")) _init_constraint_body.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: list(t)) init_constraint = Suppress("INIT") + _init_constraint_body init_constraint.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Init(list(t))) _invar_constraint_body = simple_expression + Optional(Suppress(";")) _invar_constraint_body.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: list(t)) invar_constraint = Suppress("INVAR") + _invar_constraint_body invar_constraint.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Invar(list(t))) _fairness_constraint_body = simple_expression + Optional(Suppress(";")) _fairness_constraint_body.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: list(t)) fairness_constraint = Suppress("FAIRNESS") + _fairness_constraint_body fairness_constraint.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Fairness(list(t))) _justice_constraint_body = simple_expression + Optional(Suppress(";")) _justice_constraint_body.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: list(t)) justice_constraint = Suppress("JUSTICE") + _justice_constraint_body justice_constraint.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Justice(list(t))) _compassion_constraint_body = (Suppress("(") + simple_expression + Suppress(",") + simple_expression + Suppress(")") + Optional(Suppress(";"))) _compassion_constraint_body.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: [t[0], t[1]]) compassion_constraint = Suppress("COMPASSION") + _compassion_constraint_body compassion_constraint.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Compassion(list(t))) # Module declaration _module_element = (var_section | ivar_section | frozenvar_section | define_section | constants_section | assign_constraint | trans_constraint | init_constraint | invar_constraint | fairness_constraint | justice_constraint | compassion_constraint) _module_args = (Suppress("(") + Optional(delimitedList(identifier)) + Suppress(")")) module = (Suppress("MODULE") + identifier + Group(Optional(_module_args)) + ZeroOrMore(_module_element)) def _create_module(string, location, tokens): """ Create a module based on the given list of tokens. :param string: the string from which the module has been parsed :param location: the index of `string` at which the parsed module starts :param tokens: the list of sections representing the parsed module :rtype: :class:`pynusmv.model.ModuleMetaClass` """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument from .model import ModuleMetaClass, Module as ModuleClass name = tokens[0] args = tokens[1] namespace = OrderedDict() namespace["NAME"] = name namespace["ARGS"] = args for section in tokens[2:]: if not in namespace: namespace[] = section.body else: update(namespace[], section.body) return ModuleMetaClass(str(name), (ModuleClass,), namespace) module.setParseAction(_create_module) # Model declaration comment = ("--" + restOfLine).suppress() model = Group(OneOrMore(module)) model.ignore(comment)