Source code for pynusmv.node

The :mod:`pynusmv.node` module provides classes representing NuSMV internal
nodes, as well as a class :class:`FlatHierarchy` to represent a NuSMV flat

    from import Mapping
except ImportError:
    from collections import Mapping
from collections import OrderedDict
import string
import random

from .utils import PointerWrapper
from .parser import parse_next_expression, parse_identifier

from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.compile import compile as nscompile
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.node import node as nsnode
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.utils import utils as nsutils
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.set import set as nsset
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.parser.parser import (TRANS, INIT, INVAR, ASSIGN, FAIRNESS,
                                  JUSTICE, COMPASSION, SPEC, LTLSPEC, PSLSPEC,
                                  INVARSPEC, COMPUTE, DEFINE, ISA, GOTO,
                                  CONSTRAINT, MODULE, PROCESS, MODTYPE, LAMBDA,
                                  CONSTANTS, PRED, ATTIME, PREDS_LIST, MIRROR,
                                  SYNTAX_ERROR, FAILURE, CONTEXT, EU, AU, EW,
                                  AW, EBU, ABU, MINU, MAXU, VAR, FROZENVAR,
                                  IVAR, BOOLEAN, ARRAY, SCALAR, CONS, BDD,
                                  SEMI, EQDEF, TWODOTS, FALSEEXP, TRUEEXP,
                                  SELF, CASE, COLON, IFTHENELSE, SIMPWFF,
                                  NEXTWFF, LTLWFF, CTLWFF, COMPWFF, ATOM,
                                  NUMBER, COMMA, IMPLIES, IFF, OR, XOR, XNOR,
                                  AND, NOT, EX, AX, EF, AF, EG, AG, SINCE,
                                  UNTIL, TRIGGERED, RELEASES, EBF, EBG, ABF,
                                  ABG, OP_NEXT, OP_GLOBAL, OP_FUTURE, OP_PREC,
                                  OP_NOTPRECNOT, OP_HISTORICAL, OP_ONCE, EQUAL,
                                  NOTEQUAL, LT, GT, LE, GE, UNION, SETIN, MOD,
                                  PLUS, MINUS, TIMES, DIVIDE, UMINUS, NEXT,
                                  SMALLINIT, DOT, BIT, RANGE, UNSIGNED_WORD,
                                  SIGNED_WORD, INTEGER, REAL,
                                  NUMBER_UNSIGNED_WORD, NUMBER_SIGNED_WORD,
                                  NUMBER_FRAC, NUMBER_REAL, NUMBER_EXP, LSHIFT,
                                  RSHIFT, LROTATE, RROTATE, BIT_SELECTION,
                                  CONCATENATION, CAST_BOOL, CAST_WORD1,
                                  CAST_SIGNED, CAST_UNSIGNED, EXTEND,
                                  WORDARRAY, WAREAD, WAWRITE, UWCONST, SWCONST,
                                  WRESIZE, WSIZEOF, CAST_TOINT, COMPID,
                                  ARRAY_TYPE, ARRAY_DEF, NFUNCTION, COUNT)

[docs]def find_hierarchy(node): """ Traverse the hierarchy represented by `node` and transfer it to the node hash table. :param node: the node :type node: a SWIG wrapper for a NuSMV node_ptr """ return nsnode.node_normalize(node)
[docs]class Node(PointerWrapper): """A generic NuSMV node.""" def __init__(self, left, right, type_=None): """ Create a new node of `type_` with `left` and `right` as left and right branches. If `type_` is None, the type is infered from the instantiated class. :param left: the left branch :type left: :class:`Node` or `None` :param right: the right branch :type right: :class:`Node` or `None` :param type_: the type of the node :type type_: `int` """ if type_ is None: type_ = class_to_type[type(self)] left_ptr = left._ptr if left is not None else left right_ptr = right._ptr if right is not None else right ptr = nsnode.find_node(type_, left_ptr, right_ptr) super().__init__(ptr, freeit=False) self.type = type_ self._car = left self._cdr = right @property def car(self): """The left branch of this node.""" if not hasattr(self, "_car"): # Create the node car = if car is not None: self._car = Node.from_ptr(car) else: self._car = None return self._car @property def cdr(self): """The right branch of this node.""" if not hasattr(self, "_cdr"): # Create the node cdr = nsnode.cdr(self._ptr) if cdr is not None: self._cdr = Node.from_ptr(cdr) else: self._cdr = None return self._cdr def _free(self): if self._freeit and self._ptr is not None: nsnode.node_free(self._ptr) self._freeit = False def __str__(self): return nsnode.sprint_node(self._ptr) def __repr__(self): # makes debugging easier return nsnode.sprint_node(self._ptr) def __eq__(self, other): """Return whether `self` is equals to `other`.""" if isinstance(self, type(other)): return nsnode.node_equal(self._ptr, other._ptr) != 0 else: return False def __hash__(self): return nsnode.node2int(self._ptr) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): # Does not need to deep copy since these are immutable # and pointers would be the same return self @staticmethod
[docs] def from_ptr(ptr, freeit=False): if ptr is None: return None cls = type_to_class[ptr.type] new_node = cls.__new__(cls) new_node._freeit = freeit new_node._ptr = ptr new_node.type = ptr.type return new_node
@staticmethod def _handle_next_expression(expression): """ Return a node representation of the next `expression`. If `expression` is already an Expresssion, return it as it is. If `expression` is a string of an integer, it is parsed as a next expression. :param expression: the expression to handle :type expression: :class:`Expression` or :class:`str` or :class:`int` """ if isinstance(expression, int): expression = str(expression) if isinstance(expression, str): parsed = parse_next_expression(expression) expression = Node.from_ptr(find_hierarchy(parsed)) nsnode.free_node(parsed) return expression
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----- SECTION NODES # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Module(Node): pass
[docs]class Section(Node): """A generic section.""" pass
[docs]class Trans(Section): pass
[docs]class Init(Section): pass
[docs]class Invar(Section): pass
[docs]class Assign(Section): pass
[docs]class Fairness(Section): pass
[docs]class Justice(Section): pass
[docs]class Compassion(Section): pass
[docs]class Spec(Section): pass
[docs]class Ltlspec(Section): pass
[docs]class Pslspec(Section): pass
[docs]class Invarspec(Section): pass
[docs]class Compute(Section): pass
[docs]class Define(Section): pass
[docs]class ArrayDef(Node): pass
[docs]class Isa(Section): pass
[docs]class Constants(Section): pass
[docs]class Var(Section): pass
[docs]class Frozenvar(Section): pass
[docs]class Ivar(Section): pass
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----- TYPE NODES # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Type(Node): """A generic type node.""" pass
[docs]class Boolean(Type): """The boolean type.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__(None, None, type_=BOOLEAN)
[docs]class UnsignedWord(Type): """An unsigned word type.""" def __init__(self, length): super().__init__(length, None, type_=UNSIGNED_WORD) @property def length(self): return
[docs]class Word(UnsignedWord): """An unsigned word type.""" def __init__(self, length): super().__init__(length)
[docs]class SignedWord(Type): """A signed word type.""" def __init__(self, length): super().__init__(length, None, type_=SIGNED_WORD) @property def length(self): return
[docs]class Range(Type): """A range type.""" def __init__(self, start, stop): """ Create a new range from `start` to `stop`. :param start: the starting value of the range :type start: :class:`Expression` or :class:`str` or :class:`int` :param stop: the ending value of the range :type stop: :class:`Expression` or :class:`str` or :class:`int` .. warning:: NuSMV parser limits the values of `start` and `stop` to be a sub-language of the simple expressions. There is no check made by this constructor to verify that `start` and `stop` belong to this sub-language. """ start = self._handle_next_expression(start) stop = self._handle_next_expression(stop) super().__init__(start, stop, type_=TWODOTS) @property def start(self): return @property def stop(self): return self.cdr
[docs]class ArrayType(Type): """An array type.""" def __init__(self, start, stop, elementtype): """ Create a new array type. :param start: the starting value of the indices of the array :type start: :class:`Expression` or :class:`str` or :class:`int` :param stop: the ending value of the indices of the array :type stop: :class:`Expression` or :class:`str` or :class:`int` :param elementtype: the type of the elements of the array :type elementtype: :class:`Type` .. warning:: NuSMV parser limits the values of `start` and `stop` to be a sub-language of the simple expressions. There is no check made by this constructor to verify that `start` and `stop` belong to this sub-language. """ super().__init__(Range(start, stop), elementtype) @property def start(self): return @property def stop(self): return @property def elementtype(self): return self.cdr
[docs]class Scalar(Type): """The enumeration type.""" def __init__(self, values): """ Create a new scalar type with values. :param values: a non-empty sequence of complex atoms :type values: Sequence """ self._values = tuple(self._handle_type_value(value) for value in values) values = tuple(reversed(self._values)) ptr = None for value in values: ptr = nsnode.find_node(CONS, value._ptr, ptr) ptr = nsnode.find_node(SCALAR, ptr, None) # Initialization using PointerWrapper iso parent class is made on purpose # pylint: disable=W0233 PointerWrapper.__init__(self, ptr, freeit=False) self.type = SCALAR @property def values(self): """The values of this enumration.""" if not hasattr(self, "_values"): values = [] cur = while cur is not None: values.append(Node.from_ptr( cur = nsnode.cdr(cur) self._values = tuple(reversed(values)) return self._values def _handle_type_value(self, value): """ Handle the given value by returning the corresponding node: * if `value` is a :class:`Node`, it is returned as it is. * if `value` is a :class:`str`, it is parsed against TRUE, FALSE and complex atoms (that is, DOTed atoms) * if `value` is a :class:`int`, it is returned as a :class:`Number`. :param value: the value to handle """ if isinstance(value, Node): return value elif isinstance(value, int): return Number(value) else: # value should be a string if value == "TRUE": return Trueexp() elif value == "FALSE": return Falseexp() else: # Complex atoms parsed = parse_identifier(value) res = Node.from_ptr(find_hierarchy(parsed)) nsnode.free_node(parsed) return res
[docs]class Modtype(Type): """A module instantiation type.""" def __init__(self, name, arguments): """ Create a new module instantiation of module `name` with `arguments`. :param name: the name of the module :type name: :class:`Atom` or :class:`str` :param arguments: the list of arguments of the instance :type arguments: a sequence of :class:`Expression` or :class:`str` """ if isinstance(name, str): name = Atom(name) self._arguments = tuple(self._handle_next_expression(argument) for argument in arguments) ptr = self._arguments[0]._ptr for argument in self._arguments[1:]: ptr = nsnode.find_node(CONS, argument._ptr, ptr) ptr = nsnode.find_node(MODTYPE, name._ptr, ptr) # Initialization using PointerWrapper iso parent class is made on purpose # pylint: disable=W0233 PointerWrapper.__init__(self, ptr, freeit=False) self.type = MODTYPE @property def name(self): return @property def arguments(self): if not hasattr(self, "_arguments"): arguments = [] cur = nsnode.cdr(self._ptr) while cur is not None: arguments.append(Node.from_ptr( cur = nsnode.cdr(cur) self._arguments = tuple(reversed(arguments)) return self._arguments def __str__(self): rep = str( if len(self.arguments) > 0: rep += "(" rep += ", ".join(str(arg) for arg in self.arguments) rep += ")" return rep
[docs]class Process(Type): """ The process type. .. warning:: This type is deprecated. """ pass
[docs]class Integer(Type): """ The integer number type. .. warning:: This node type is not supported by NuSMV. """ pass
[docs]class Real(Type): """ The real number type. .. warning:: This node type is not supported by NuSMV. """ pass
[docs]class Wordarray(Type): """ The word array type. .. warning:: This type is not documented in NuSMV documentation. """ pass
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----- EXPRESSION NODES # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Expression(Node): """A generic expression node.""" def __init__(self, left, right, type_=None): """ Create a new expression of `type_` with `left` and `right` branches. If left or right is a string or an int, it is parsed as a next expression. :param left: the left branch :type left: :class:`Node` or :class:`str` or :class:`int` :param right: the right branch :type right: :class:`Node` or :class:`str` or :class:`int` :param type_: the type of the expression :type type_: :class:`int` or `None` """ left = self._handle_next_expression(left) right = self._handle_next_expression(right) super().__init__(left, right, type_) def __hash__(self): return id(self._ptr)
[docs] def in_context(self, context): return Context(self, context)
[docs] def array(self, index): return Array(self, index)
[docs] def twodots(self, stop): return Twodots(self, stop)
[docs] def ifthenelse(self, true, false): return Ifthenelse(self, true, false)
[docs] def implies(self, expression): return Implies(self, expression)
[docs] def iff(self, expression): return Iff(self, expression)
[docs] def or_(self, expression): return Or(self, expression)
[docs] def xor(self, expression): return Xor(self, expression)
[docs] def xnor(self, expression): return Xnor(self, expression)
[docs] def and_(self, expression): return And(self, expression)
[docs] def not_(self): return Not(self)
[docs] def equal(self, expression): return Equal(self, expression)
[docs] def notequal(self, expression): return Notequal(self, expression)
[docs] def lt(self, expression): return Lt(self, expression)
[docs] def gt(self, expression): return Gt(self, expression)
[docs] def le(self, expression): return Le(self, expression)
[docs] def ge(self, expression): return Ge(self, expression)
[docs] def union(self, expression): return Union(self, expression)
[docs] def setin(self, expression): return Setin(self, expression)
[docs] def in_(self, expression): return Setin(self, expression)
[docs] def mod(self, expression): return Mod(self, expression)
[docs] def plus(self, expression): return Plus(self, expression)
[docs] def minus(self, expression): return Minus(self, expression)
[docs] def times(self, expression): return Times(self, expression)
[docs] def divide(self, expression): return Divide(self, expression)
[docs] def uminus(self): return Uminus(self)
[docs] def next(self): return Next(self)
[docs] def dot(self, expression): return Dot(self, expression)
[docs] def lshift(self, expression): return Lshift(self, expression)
[docs] def rshift(self, expression): return Rshift(self, expression)
[docs] def lrotate(self, expression): return Lrotate(self, expression)
[docs] def rrotate(self, expression): return Rrotate(self, expression)
[docs] def bit_selection(self, start, stop): return BitSelection(self, start, stop)
[docs] def concatenation(self, expression): return Concatenation(self, expression)
[docs] def concat(self, expression): return Concatenation(self, expression)
[docs] def castbool(self): return CastBool(self)
[docs] def bool(self): return CastBool(self)
[docs] def castword1(self): return CastWord1(self)
[docs] def word1(self): return CastWord1(self)
[docs] def castsigned(self): return CastSigned(self)
[docs] def signed(self): return CastSigned(self)
[docs] def castunsigned(self): return CastUnsigned(self)
[docs] def unsigned(self): return CastUnsigned(self)
[docs] def extend(self, size): return Extend(self, size)
[docs] def waread(self, expression): return Waread(self, expression)
[docs] def read(self, expression): return Waread(self, expression)
[docs] def wawrite(self, second, third): return Wawrite(self, second, third)
[docs] def write(self, second, third): return Wawrite(self, second, third)
[docs] def uwconst(self, expression): return Uwconst(self, expression)
[docs] def swconst(self, expression): return Swconst(self, expression)
[docs] def wresize(self, size): return Wresize(self, size)
[docs] def resize(self, size): return Wresize(self, size)
[docs] def wsizeof(self): return Wsizeof(self)
[docs] def sizeof(self): return Wsizeof(self)
[docs] def casttoint(self): return CastToint(self)
[docs] def toint(self): return CastToint(self)
def __lt__(self, other): return Lt(self, other) def __le__(self, other): return Le(self, other) def __eq__(self, other): return Equal(self, other) def __ne__(self, other): return Notequal(self, other) def __gt__(self, other): return Gt(self, other) def __ge__(self, other): return Ge(self, other) def __getattr__(self, name): if name not in {"car", "cdr", "_ptr", "name", "this", "_car", "_cdr"}: return Dot(self, name) else: raise AttributeError("Missing {} attribute.".format(name)) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, slice): start, stop = slice.start, slice.stop start = self._handle_next_expression(start) stop = self._handle_next_expression(stop) return BitSelection(self, start, stop) else: key = self._handle_next_expression(key) return Array(self, key) def __add__(self, other): return Plus(self, other) def __radd__(self, other): return Plus(other, self) def __sub__(self, other): return Minus(self, other) def __rsub__(self, other): return Minus(other, self) def __mul__(self, other): return Times(self, other) def __rmul__(self, other): return Times(other, self) def __truediv__(self, other): return Divide(self, other) def __rtruediv__(self, other): return Divide(other, self) def __mod__(self, other): return Mod(self, other) def __rmod__(self, other): return Mod(other, self) def __lshift__(self, other): return Lshift(self, other) def __rlshift__(self, other): return Lshift(other, self) def __rshift__(self, other): return Rshift(self, other) def __rrshift__(self, other): return Rshift(other, self) def __and__(self, other): return And(self, other) def __rand__(self, other): return And(other, self) def __xor__(self, other): return Xor(self, other) def __rxor__(self, other): return Xor(other, self) def __or__(self, other): return Or(self, other) def __ror__(self, other): return Or(other, self) def __neg__(self): return Uminus(self) def __invert__(self): return Not(self) @staticmethod
[docs] def from_string(expression): """ Parse the string representation of the given expression and return the corresponding node. :param expression: the string to parse :rtype: :class:`Expression` subclass """ expression = str(expression) parsed = parse_next_expression(expression) expression = Node.from_ptr(find_hierarchy(parsed)) nsnode.free_node(parsed) return expression
[docs]class Leaf(Expression): pass
[docs]class Failure(Leaf): """A FAILURE node.""" def __init__(self, message, kind): left = nsnode.find_node(COLON, nsnode.string2node (nsutils.find_string(message)), nsnode.int2node(kind)) super().__init__(left, nsnode.int2node(0), type_=FAILURE) @property def message(self): nsnode.node2string( @property def kind(self): nsnode.node2int(
[docs]class Falseexp(Leaf): """The FALSE expression.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__(None, None, type_=FALSEEXP)
[docs]class Trueexp(Leaf): """The TRUE expression.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__(None, None, type_=TRUEEXP)
[docs]class Self(Leaf): """The `self` expression.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__(None, None, type_=SELF)
[docs]class Atom(Leaf): """An ATOM node.""" def __init__(self, name): """ Create an ATOM node with `name`. :param name: the name of the atom :type name: :class:`str` """ name_ptr = nsnode.string2node(nsutils.find_string(name)) ptr = nsnode.find_node(ATOM, name_ptr, None) # Initialization using PointerWrapper iso parent class is made on purpose # pylint: disable=W0233 PointerWrapper.__init__(self, ptr, freeit=False) self.type = ATOM @property def name(self): return nsutils.get_text(nsnode.node2string(
[docs]class Number(Leaf): """A node containing an integer.""" def __init__(self, value): """ Create a number. :param value: the value of the integer :type value: :class:`int` """ value_ptr = nsnode.int2node(value) ptr = nsnode.find_node(NUMBER, value_ptr, None) # Initialization using PointerWrapper iso parent class is made on purpose # pylint: disable=W0233 PointerWrapper.__init__(self, ptr, freeit=False) self.type = NUMBER @property def value(self): return nsnode.node2int(
[docs]class NumberUnsignedWord(Leaf): """A node containing an unsigned word value.""" def __init__(self, value): """ Create an unsigned word. :param value: the word value :type value: :class:`str` """ value_ptr = nsnode.word2node( nsutils.WordNumber_from_parsed_string(value, None)) ptr = nsnode.find_node(NUMBER_UNSIGNED_WORD, value_ptr, None) # Initialization using PointerWrapper iso parent class is made on purpose # pylint: disable=W0233 PointerWrapper.__init__(self, ptr, freeit=False) self.type = NUMBER_UNSIGNED_WORD @property def value(self): return nsutils.WordNumber_get_parsed_string( nsnode.node2word(
[docs]class NumberSignedWord(Leaf): """A node containing a signed word value.""" def __init__(self, value): """ Create a signed word. :param value: the word value :type value: :class:`str` """ value_ptr = nsnode.word2node( nsutils.WordNumber_from_parsed_string(value, None)) ptr = nsnode.find_node(NUMBER_SIGNED_WORD, value_ptr, None) # Initialization using PointerWrapper iso parent class is made on purpose # pylint: disable=W0233 PointerWrapper.__init__(self, ptr, freeit=False) self.type = NUMBER_SIGNED_WORD @property def value(self): return nsutils.WordNumber_get_parsed_string( nsnode.node2word(
[docs]class NumberFrac(Leaf): """ A rational number. .. warning:: This node type is not supported by NuSMV. """ pass
[docs]class NumberReal(Leaf): """ A real number. .. warning:: This node type is not supported by NuSMV. """ pass
[docs]class NumberExp(Leaf): """ An exponential-formed number. .. warning:: This node type is not supported by NuSMV. """ pass
[docs]class Context(Expression): """A CONTEXT node.""" @property def context(self): return @property def expression(self): return self.cdr
[docs]class Array(Expression): """An ARRAY node.""" @property def array(self): return @property def index(self): return self.cdr
[docs]class Twodots(Expression): """A range of integers.""" @property def start(self): return @property def stop(self): return self.cdr
[docs]class Case(Expression): """A set of cases.""" def __init__(self, values): """ Create a set of cases. :param values: a non-empty mapping where keys are conditions of the cases and associated values are expressions :type values: Mapping or sequence of pairs representing the mapping """ # Create the corresponding NuSMV # Keep the mapping (or sequence transformed into mapping) # for further use if isinstance(values, Mapping): values = list(values.items()) res = Failure("case conditions are not exhaustive", nsutils.FAIRLURE_CASE_NOT_EXHAUSTIVE)._ptr for condition, expression in reversed(values): condition = self._handle_next_expression(condition) expression = self._handle_next_expression(expression) res = nsnode.find_node(CASE, nsnode.find_node(COLON, condition._ptr, expression._ptr), res) super().__init__(, res.cdr, type_=CASE) self._values = OrderedDict(reversed(values)) @property def values(self): """ The mapping values of this Case expression. .. warning:: The returned mapping should not be modified. Modifying the returned mapping will not change the actual NuSMV values of this node. """ if not hasattr(self, "_values"): self._values = OrderedDict() head = self while head.cdr.type is not FAILURE: self._values[] = head = head.cdr return self._values
[docs]class Ifthenelse(Expression): """The `cond ? truebranch : falsebranch` expression.""" def __init__(self, condition, true, false): """ Create an if-then-else expression with `condition`, `true` and `false`. :param condition: the condition of the expression :type condition: :class:`Node` or :class:`str` :param true: the true branch of the expression :type true: :class:`Node` or :class:`str` :param false: the false branch of the expression :type false: :class:`Node` or :class:`str` """ condition = self._handle_next_expression(condition) true = self._handle_next_expression(true) false = self._handle_next_expression(false) super().__init__(Colon(condition, true), false, type_=IFTHENELSE) @property def condition(self): return @property def true(self): return @property def false(self): return self.cdr
[docs]class Implies(Expression): pass
[docs]class Iff(Expression): pass
[docs]class Or(Expression): pass
[docs]class Xor(Expression): pass
[docs]class Xnor(Expression): pass
[docs]class And(Expression): pass
[docs]class Not(Expression): """A NOT expression.""" def __init__(self, expression): """ Create a NOT expression with `expression`. :param expression: the child of the NOT expression :type expression: :class:`Node` or :class:`str` or :class:`int` """ super().__init__(expression, None, type_=NOT) @property def expression(self): return
[docs]class Equal(Expression): def __bool__(self): return nsnode.node_equal(, self.cdr._ptr) != 0 def __nonzero__(self): return self.__bool__()
[docs]class Notequal(Expression): def __bool__(self): return nsnode.node_equal(, self.cdr._ptr) == 0 def __nonzero__(self): return self.__bool__()
[docs]class Lt(Expression): pass
[docs]class Gt(Expression): pass
[docs]class Le(Expression): pass
[docs]class Ge(Expression): pass
[docs]class Union(Expression): pass
[docs]class Setin(Expression): pass
[docs]class Mod(Expression): pass
[docs]class Plus(Expression): pass
[docs]class Minus(Expression): pass
[docs]class Times(Expression): pass
[docs]class Divide(Expression): pass
[docs]class Uminus(Expression): """A unitary minus expression.""" def __init__(self, expression): """ Create a unitary minus expression with `expression`. :param expression: the child of the expression :type expression: :class:`Node` or :class:`str` or :class:`int` """ super().__init__(expression, None, type_=UMINUS) @property def expression(self): return
[docs]class Dot(Expression): pass
[docs]class Lshift(Expression): pass
[docs]class Rshift(Expression): pass
[docs]class Lrotate(Expression): pass
[docs]class Rrotate(Expression): pass
[docs]class BitSelection(Expression): """A Bit selection node.""" def __init__(self, word, start, stop): """ Create a bit selection of bits from `start` to `stop` in `word`. :param word: the word to select from :type word: :class:`Node` or class:`str` :param start: the starting index :type start: :class:`Node` or class:`str` or :class:`int` :param stop: the stopping index :type stop: :class:`Node` or class:`str` or :class:`int` """ word = self._handle_next_expression(word) start = self._handle_next_expression(start) stop = self._handle_next_expression(stop) super().__init__(word, Colon(start, stop), type_=BIT_SELECTION) @property def word(self): return @property def start(self): return @property def stop(self): return self.cdr.cdr
[docs]class Concatenation(Expression): pass
[docs]class CastBool(Expression): """A boolean casting node.""" def __init__(self, expression): """ Create a boolean casting of `expression`. :param expression: the expression to cast :type expression: :class:`Node` or :class:`str` or :class:`int` """ super().__init__(expression, None, type_=CAST_BOOL) @property def expression(self): return
[docs]class CastWord1(Expression): """A word-1 casting node.""" def __init__(self, expression): """ Create a casting of `expression` to word-1. :param expression: the expression to cast :type expression: :class:`Node` or :class:`str` or :class:`int` """ super().__init__(expression, None, type_=CAST_WORD1) @property def expression(self): return
[docs]class CastSigned(Expression): """A signed number casting node.""" def __init__(self, expression): """ Create a signed number casting of `expression`. :param expression: the expression to cast :type expression: :class:`Node` or :class:`str` or :class:`int` """ super().__init__(expression, None, type_=CAST_SIGNED) @property def expression(self): return
[docs]class CastUnsigned(Expression): """An unsigned number casting node.""" def __init__(self, expression): """ Create an unsigned number casting of `expression`. :param expression: the expression to cast :type expression: :class:`Node` or :class:`str` or :class:`int` """ super().__init__(expression, None, type_=CAST_UNSIGNED) @property def expression(self): return
[docs]class Extend(Expression): pass
[docs]class Waread(Expression): pass
[docs]class Wawrite(Expression): """A WAWRITE node.""" def __init__(self, first, second, third): """ Create a WAWRITE node with `first`, `second` and `third`. :param first: the first element of the WAWRITE node :type first: :class:`Node` or :class:`str` :param second: the second element of the WAWRITE node :type second: :class:`Node` or :class:`str` :param third: the third element of the WAWRITE node :type third: :class:`Node` or :class:`str` """ super().__init__(first, Expression(second, third, type_=WAWRITE), type_=WAWRITE)
[docs]class Uwconst(Expression): pass
[docs]class Swconst(Expression): pass
[docs]class Wresize(Expression): pass
[docs]class Wsizeof(Expression): """A size-of-word node.""" def __init__(self, expression): """ Create size-of node of `expression`. :param expression: the expression :type expression: :class:`Node` or :class:`str` """ super().__init__(expression, None, type_=WSIZEOF) @property def expression(self): return
[docs]class CastToint(Expression): """An integer casting node.""" def __init__(self, expression): """ Create an integer casting of `expression`. :param expression: the expression to cast :type expression: :class:`Node` or :class:`str` or :class:`int` """ super().__init__(expression, None, type_=CAST_TOINT) @property def expression(self): return
[docs]class Count(Expression): """A set expression.""" def __init__(self, values): """ Create a new count expression with values. :param values: a non-empty sequence of expressions :type values: Sequence """ self._values = tuple(self._handle_next_expression(value) for value in values) ptr = find_hierarchy(parse_next_expression( "count(" + ", ".join(str(value) for value in self.values) + ")")) # Initialization using PointerWrapper iso parent class is made on purpose # pylint: disable=W0233 PointerWrapper.__init__(self, ptr, freeit=False) self.type = COUNT @property def values(self): """The values of this count.""" if not hasattr(self, "_values"): values = [] cur = self._ptr while cur is not None: values.append( cur = cur.cdr self._values = tuple(values) return self._values
[docs]class CustomExpression(Expression): """A generic custom expression.""" pass
[docs]class Set(CustomExpression): """A set expression.""" def __init__(self, values): """ Create a new set expression with values. :param values: a non-empty sequence of expressions :type values: Sequence """ self._values = tuple(self._handle_next_expression(value) for value in values) ptr = find_hierarchy(parse_next_expression( "{" + ", ".join(str(value) for value in self.values) + "}")) # Initialization using PointerWrapper iso parent class is made on purpose # pylint: disable=W0233 PointerWrapper.__init__(self, ptr, freeit=False) self.type = UNION @property def values(self): """The values of this set.""" return self._values
[docs]class Identifier(CustomExpression): """A custom identifier.""" @staticmethod
[docs] def from_string(identifier): """ Return the node representation of identifier. :param :class:`str` identifier: the string representation of an identifier """ parsed = parse_identifier(identifier) ptr = find_hierarchy(parsed) nsnode.free_node(parsed) return Node.from_ptr(ptr)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----- PROPERTY NODES # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Property(Expression): pass
[docs]class Eu(Property): pass
[docs]class Au(Property): pass
[docs]class Ew(Property): pass
[docs]class Aw(Property): pass
[docs]class Ebu(Property): pass
[docs]class Abu(Property): pass
[docs]class Minu(Property): pass
[docs]class Maxu(Property): pass
[docs]class Ex(Property): pass
[docs]class Ax(Property): pass
[docs]class Ef(Property): pass
[docs]class Af(Property): pass
[docs]class Eg(Property): pass
[docs]class Ag(Property): pass
[docs]class Since(Property): pass
[docs]class Until(Property): pass
[docs]class Triggered(Property): pass
[docs]class Releases(Property): pass
[docs]class Ebf(Property): pass
[docs]class Ebg(Property): pass
[docs]class Abf(Property): pass
[docs]class Abg(Property): pass
[docs]class OpNext(Property): pass
[docs]class OpGlobal(Property): pass
[docs]class OpFuture(Property): pass
[docs]class OpPrec(Property): pass
[docs]class OpNotprecnot(Property): pass
[docs]class OpHistorical(Property): pass
[docs]class OpOnce(Property): pass
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----- OTHER NODES # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Cons(Node): pass
[docs]class Pred(Node): pass
[docs]class Attime(Node): pass
[docs]class PredsList(Node): pass
[docs]class Mirror(Node): pass
[docs]class SyntaxError_(Node): pass
[docs]class Simpwff(Node): pass
[docs]class Nextwff(Node): pass
[docs]class Ltlwff(Node): pass
[docs]class Ctlwff(Node): pass
[docs]class Compwff(Node): pass
[docs]class Compid(Node): pass
[docs]class Bdd(Node): pass
[docs]class Semi(Node): pass
[docs]class Eqdef(Node): pass
[docs]class Smallinit(Node): pass
[docs]class Bit(Node): pass
[docs]class Nfunction(Node): pass
[docs]class Goto(Node): pass
[docs]class Constraint(Node): pass
[docs]class Lambda(Node): pass
[docs]class Comma(Node): pass
[docs]class Colon(Node): pass
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----- MISC # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----- DECLARATIONS # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Declaration(Atom): """ A Declaration behaves like an atom, except that it knows which type it belongs to. Furthermore, it does not know its name for sure, and cannot be printed without giving it a name. """ def __init__(self, type_, section, name=None): self.declared_type = type_ self.section = section if name is None: name = (section + ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(6))) self._anonymous = True super().__init__(name) @property def name(self): """The name of the declared identifier.""" if self._anonymous: raise AttributeError("Unknown declaration name.") return @name.setter def name(self, name): """Update the name of the declared identifier.""" name_ptr = nsnode.string2node(nsutils.find_string(name)) nsnode.setcar(self._ptr, name_ptr) self._anonymous = False
[docs]class DVar(Declaration): """A declared VAR.""" def __init__(self, type_, name=None): super().__init__(type_, "VAR", name=name)
[docs]class DIVar(Declaration): """A declared IVAR.""" def __init__(self, type_, name=None): super().__init__(type_, "IVAR", name=name)
[docs]class DFVar(Declaration): """A declared FROZENVAR.""" def __init__(self, type_, name=None): super().__init__(type_, "FROZENVAR", name=name)
[docs]class DDef(Declaration): """A declared DEFINE.""" def __init__(self, type_, name=None): super().__init__(type_, "DEFINE", name=name)
type_to_class = { TRANS: Trans, INIT: Init, INVAR: Invar, ASSIGN: Assign, FAIRNESS: Fairness, JUSTICE: Justice, COMPASSION: Compassion, SPEC: Spec, LTLSPEC: Ltlspec, PSLSPEC: Pslspec, INVARSPEC: Invarspec, COMPUTE: Compute, DEFINE: Define, ISA: Isa, GOTO: Goto, CONSTRAINT: Constraint, MODULE: Module, PROCESS: Process, MODTYPE: Modtype, LAMBDA: Lambda, CONSTANTS: Constants, PRED: Pred, ATTIME: Attime, PREDS_LIST: PredsList, MIRROR: Mirror, SYNTAX_ERROR: SyntaxError_, FAILURE: Failure, CONTEXT: Context, EU: Eu, AU: Au, EW: Ew, AW: Aw, EBU: Ebu, ABU: Abu, MINU: Minu, MAXU: Maxu, VAR: Var, FROZENVAR: Frozenvar, IVAR: Ivar, BOOLEAN: Boolean, ARRAY: Array, SCALAR: Scalar, CONS: Cons, BDD: Bdd, SEMI: Semi, EQDEF: Eqdef, TWODOTS: Twodots, FALSEEXP: Falseexp, TRUEEXP: Trueexp, SELF: Self, CASE: Case, COLON: Colon, IFTHENELSE: Ifthenelse, SIMPWFF: Simpwff, NEXTWFF: Nextwff, LTLWFF: Ltlwff, CTLWFF: Ctlwff, COMPWFF: Compwff, ATOM: Atom, NUMBER: Number, COMMA: Comma, IMPLIES: Implies, IFF: Iff, OR: Or, XOR: Xor, XNOR: Xnor, AND: And, NOT: Not, EX: Ex, AX: Ax, EF: Ef, AF: Af, EG: Eg, AG: Ag, SINCE: Since, UNTIL: Until, TRIGGERED: Triggered, RELEASES: Releases, EBF: Ebf, EBG: Ebg, ABF: Abf, ABG: Abg, OP_NEXT: OpNext, OP_GLOBAL: OpGlobal, OP_FUTURE: OpFuture, OP_PREC: OpPrec, OP_NOTPRECNOT: OpNotprecnot, OP_HISTORICAL: OpHistorical, OP_ONCE: OpOnce, EQUAL: Equal, NOTEQUAL: Notequal, LT: Lt, GT: Gt, LE: Le, GE: Ge, UNION: Union, SETIN: Setin, MOD: Mod, PLUS: Plus, MINUS: Minus, TIMES: Times, DIVIDE: Divide, UMINUS: Uminus, NEXT: Next, SMALLINIT: Smallinit, DOT: Dot, BIT: Bit, RANGE: Range, UNSIGNED_WORD: UnsignedWord, SIGNED_WORD: SignedWord, INTEGER: Integer, REAL: Real, NUMBER_UNSIGNED_WORD: NumberUnsignedWord, NUMBER_SIGNED_WORD: NumberSignedWord, NUMBER_FRAC: NumberFrac, NUMBER_REAL: NumberReal, NUMBER_EXP: NumberExp, LSHIFT: Lshift, RSHIFT: Rshift, LROTATE: Lrotate, RROTATE: Rrotate, BIT_SELECTION: BitSelection, CONCATENATION: Concatenation, CAST_BOOL: CastBool, CAST_WORD1: CastWord1, CAST_SIGNED: CastSigned, CAST_UNSIGNED: CastUnsigned, EXTEND: Extend, WORDARRAY: Wordarray, WAREAD: Waread, WAWRITE: Wawrite, UWCONST: Uwconst, SWCONST: Swconst, WRESIZE: Wresize, WSIZEOF: Wsizeof, CAST_TOINT: CastToint, COMPID: Compid, ARRAY_TYPE: ArrayType, ARRAY_DEF: ArrayDef, NFUNCTION: Nfunction, COUNT: Count, } class_to_type = { Trans: TRANS, Init: INIT, Invar: INVAR, Assign: ASSIGN, Fairness: FAIRNESS, Justice: JUSTICE, Compassion: COMPASSION, Spec: SPEC, Ltlspec: LTLSPEC, Pslspec: PSLSPEC, Invarspec: INVARSPEC, Compute: COMPUTE, Define: DEFINE, Isa: ISA, Goto: GOTO, Constraint: CONSTRAINT, Module: MODULE, Process: PROCESS, Modtype: MODTYPE, Lambda: LAMBDA, Constants: CONSTANTS, Pred: PRED, Attime: ATTIME, PredsList: PREDS_LIST, Mirror: MIRROR, SyntaxError_: SYNTAX_ERROR, Failure: FAILURE, Context: CONTEXT, Eu: EU, Au: AU, Ew: EW, Aw: AW, Ebu: EBU, Abu: ABU, Minu: MINU, Maxu: MAXU, Var: VAR, Frozenvar: FROZENVAR, Ivar: IVAR, Boolean: BOOLEAN, Array: ARRAY, Scalar: SCALAR, Cons: CONS, Bdd: BDD, Semi: SEMI, Eqdef: EQDEF, Twodots: TWODOTS, Falseexp: FALSEEXP, Trueexp: TRUEEXP, Self: SELF, Case: CASE, Colon: COLON, Ifthenelse: IFTHENELSE, Simpwff: SIMPWFF, Nextwff: NEXTWFF, Ltlwff: LTLWFF, Ctlwff: CTLWFF, Compwff: COMPWFF, Atom: ATOM, Number: NUMBER, Comma: COMMA, Implies: IMPLIES, Iff: IFF, Or: OR, Xor: XOR, Xnor: XNOR, And: AND, Not: NOT, Ex: EX, Ax: AX, Ef: EF, Af: AF, Eg: EG, Ag: AG, Since: SINCE, Until: UNTIL, Triggered: TRIGGERED, Releases: RELEASES, Ebf: EBF, Ebg: EBG, Abf: ABF, Abg: ABG, OpNext: OP_NEXT, OpGlobal: OP_GLOBAL, OpFuture: OP_FUTURE, OpPrec: OP_PREC, OpNotprecnot: OP_NOTPRECNOT, OpHistorical: OP_HISTORICAL, OpOnce: OP_ONCE, Equal: EQUAL, Notequal: NOTEQUAL, Lt: LT, Gt: GT, Le: LE, Ge: GE, Union: UNION, Setin: SETIN, Mod: MOD, Plus: PLUS, Minus: MINUS, Times: TIMES, Divide: DIVIDE, Uminus: UMINUS, Next: NEXT, Smallinit: SMALLINIT, Dot: DOT, Bit: BIT, Range: RANGE, UnsignedWord: UNSIGNED_WORD, SignedWord: SIGNED_WORD, Integer: INTEGER, Real: REAL, NumberUnsignedWord: NUMBER_UNSIGNED_WORD, NumberSignedWord: NUMBER_SIGNED_WORD, NumberFrac: NUMBER_FRAC, NumberReal: NUMBER_REAL, NumberExp: NUMBER_EXP, Lshift: LSHIFT, Rshift: RSHIFT, Lrotate: LROTATE, Rrotate: RROTATE, BitSelection: BIT_SELECTION, Concatenation: CONCATENATION, CastBool: CAST_BOOL, CastWord1: CAST_WORD1, CastSigned: CAST_SIGNED, CastUnsigned: CAST_UNSIGNED, Extend: EXTEND, Wordarray: WORDARRAY, Waread: WAREAD, Wawrite: WAWRITE, Uwconst: UWCONST, Swconst: SWCONST, Wresize: WRESIZE, Wsizeof: WSIZEOF, CastToint: CAST_TOINT, Compid: COMPID, ArrayType: ARRAY_TYPE, ArrayDef: ARRAY_DEF, Nfunction: NFUNCTION, Count: COUNT, }
[docs]class FlatHierarchy(PointerWrapper): """ Python class for flat hiearchy. The flat hierarchy is a NuSMV model where all the modules instances are reduced to their variables. A FlatHierarchy is used to store information obtained after flattening module hierarchy. It stores: * the list of TRANS, INIT, INVAR, ASSIGN, SPEC, COMPUTE, LTLSPEC, PSLSPEC, INVARSPEC, JUSTICE, COMPASSION, * a full list of variables declared in the hierarchy, * a hash table associating variables to their assignments and constraints. .. note:: There are a few assumptions about the content stored in this class: 1. All expressions are stored in the same order as in the input file (in module body or module instantiation order). 2. Assigns are stored as a list of pairs (process instance name, assignments in it). 3. Variable list contains only vars declared in this hierarchy. 4. The association var->assignments should be for assignments of this hierarchy only. 5. The association var->constraints (init, trans, invar) should be for constraints of this hierarchy only. """ # flat hierarchies do not have to be freed. def __init__(self, ptr, freeit=False): """ Create a new FlatHierarchy. :param ptr: the pointer of the NuSMV flat hierarchy :param boolean freeit: whether or not free the pointer """ super().__init__(ptr, freeit=freeit) @property def symbTable(self): """The symbolic table of the hierarchy.""" from .fsm import SymbTable return SymbTable(nscompile.FlatHierarchy_get_symb_table(self._ptr)) @property def variables(self): """ The set of variables declared in this hierarchy. .. warning:: The returned variables must not be altered. """ var_set = nscompile.FlatHierarchy_get_vars(self._ptr) ite = nsset.Set_GetFirstIter(var_set) variables = [] while not nsset.Set_IsEndIter(ite): variables.append(Node.from_ptr(nsset.Set_GetMember(var_set, ite))) ite = nsset.Set_GetNextIter(ite) return tuple(variables) @property def init(self): """The INIT section of the flat hierarchy.""" init = nscompile.FlatHierarchy_get_init(self._ptr) return Node.from_ptr(init) if init is not None else None @init.setter def init(self, new_init): ptr = new_init._ptr if new_init is not None else None nscompile.FlatHierarchy_set_init(self._ptr, ptr) @property def invar(self): """The INVAR section of the flat hierarchy.""" invar = nscompile.FlatHierarchy_get_invar(self._ptr) return Node.from_ptr(invar) if invar is not None else None @invar.setter def invar(self, new_invar): ptr = new_invar._ptr if new_invar is not None else None nscompile.FlatHierarchy_set_invar(self._ptr, ptr) @property def trans(self): """The TRANS section of the flat hierarchy.""" trans = nscompile.FlatHierarchy_get_trans(self._ptr) return Node.from_ptr(trans) if trans is not None else None @trans.setter def trans(self, new_trans): ptr = new_trans._ptr if new_trans is not None else None nscompile.FlatHierarchy_set_trans(self._ptr, ptr) @property def justice(self): """The JUSTICE section of the flat hierarchy.""" justice = nscompile.FlatHierarchy_get_justice(self._ptr) return Node.from_ptr(justice) if justice is not None else None @justice.setter def justice(self, new_justice): ptr = new_justice._ptr if new_justice is not None else None nscompile.FlatHierarchy_set_justice(self._ptr, ptr) @property def compassion(self): """The COMPASSION section of the flat hierarchy.""" compassion = nscompile.FlatHierarchy_get_compassion(self._ptr) return Node.from_ptr(compassion) if compassion is not None else None @compassion.setter def compassion(self, new_compassion): ptr = new_compassion._ptr if new_compassion is not None else None nscompile.FlatHierarchy_set_compassion(self._ptr, ptr)