Source code for pynusmv.glob

The :mod:`pynusmv.glob` module provide some functions to access global NuSMV
functionalities. These functions are used to feed an SMV model to NuSMV and
build the different structures representing the model, like flattening the
model, building its BDD encoding and getting the BDD-encoded FSM.

Besides the functions, this module provides an access to main globally stored
data structures like the flat hierarchy, the BDD encoding, the symbols table
and the propositions database.


__all__ = ['load', 'symb_table', 'bdd_encoding', 'prop_database',
           'flatten_hierarchy', 'encode_variables', 'build_flat_model',
           'build_model', 'compute_model', 'encode_variables_for_layers',
           'flat_hierarchy', 'build_boolean_model']

import tempfile
import os

from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.parser import parser as nsparser
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.opt import opt as nsopt
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.compile import compile as nscompile
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.enc import enc as nsenc
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.enc.bool import bool as nsboolenc
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.enc.bdd import bdd as nsbddenc
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.enc.base import base as nsbaseenc
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.prop import prop as nsprop
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.compile.symb_table import symb_table as nssymb_table
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.fsm import fsm as nsfsm
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.set import set as nsset
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.fsm.bdd import bdd as nsbddfsm
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.trace import trace as nstrace
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.trace.exec_ import exec_ as nstraceexec
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.dd import dd as nsdd
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.fsm.sexp import sexp as nssexp

from .fsm import BddEnc, SymbTable
from .node import FlatHierarchy
from .parser import NuSMVParsingError
from .prop import PropDb
from .sexp.fsm import BoolSexpFsm
from .exception import (NuSMVLexerError,

__bdd_encoding = None
__prop_database = None
__symb_table = None
__flat_hierarchy = None
__bool_sexp_fsm = None

def global_compile_cmps():
    This function returns the global cmps instance.

          using the 'cvar.cmps' was also possible but caused Eclipse IDE to report
          errors. Therefore, since I like to keep these kind of errors for the
          places where there is really one, I chose to use that workaround.

          Moreover, since the object returned by getattr(nscompile.cvar, 'cmps')
          is a proxy to the real object, it is safe to just store this variable
          once and for all.

    :return: the equivalent of `nscompile.cvar.cmps`
    return getattr(nscompile.cvar, 'cmps')

def global_compile_flathierarchy():
    This function returns the global mainFlatHierarchy instance.

    ..note:: just as for 'cvar.cmps', 'cvar.mainFlatHierarchy' causes the same error
          report. Hence, I used the same workaround to get rid of those.

          Moreover, since the object returned by getattr(nscompile.cvar, 'cmps')
          is a proxy to the real object, it is safe to just store this variable
          once and for all.

    :return: the equivalent of `nscompile.cvar.mainFlatHierarchy`
    return getattr(nscompile.cvar, 'mainFlatHierarchy')

def _reset_globals():
    Reset the global variables of the module, keeping track of global data

    global __bdd_encoding, __prop_database, __symb_table, __flat_hierarchy,__bool_sexp_fsm
    __bdd_encoding = None
    __prop_database = None
    __symb_table = None
    __flat_hierarchy = None
    __bool_sexp_fsm = None

    # Reset cmps

[docs]def load(*model): """ Load the given model. This model can be of several forms: * a file path; in this case, the model is loaded from the file; * NuSMV modelling code; in this case, `model` is the code for the model; * a list of modules (list of :class:`Module <pynusmv.model.Module>` subclasses); in this case, the model is represented by the set of modules. """ if len(model) == 1 and isinstance(model[0], str): if os.path.isfile(model[0]): load_from_file(model[0]) else: load_from_string(model[0]) else: # model must be a list of modules load_from_modules(*model)
def load_from_string(model): """ Load a model from a string representing the model. :param model: a String representing the model :type model: str """ # Create temp file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".smv") as tmp: tmp.write(model.encode("UTF-8")) tmp.flush() load_from_file( def load_from_modules(*modules): """ Load a model from a set of modules representing the model. :param modules: the modules defining the NuSMV model. Must contain a `main` module. :type modules: a list of :class:`Module <pynusmv.model.Module>` subclasses """ load_from_string("\n".join(str(module) for module in modules)) def load_from_file(filepath): """ Load a model from an SMV file and store it in global data structures. :param filepath: the path to the SMV file :type filepath: str """ # Check file if not os.path.exists(filepath): raise IOError("File {} does not exist".format(filepath)) # Check cmps. Need reset_nusmv if a model is already read if nscompile.cmp_struct_get_read_model(global_compile_cmps()): raise NuSMVModelAlreadyReadError("A model is already read.") # Set the input file nsopt.set_input_file(nsopt.OptsHandler_get_instance(), filepath) # Call the parser # ret = 0 => OK # ret = 1 => syntax error (and there are registered syntax errors) # ret = 2 => lexer error ret = nsparser.Parser_ReadSMVFromFile(filepath) if ret == 2: # ret = 2 means lexer error raise NuSMVLexerError("An error with NuSMV lexer occured.") # When parsing a model with parser_is_lax enabled (this is the case # since this is enabled in init_nusmv), the parser gets # as many correct parts of the model as possible and build a partial # model with it. # Raise exceptions if needed errors = nsparser.Parser_get_syntax_errors_list() if errors is not None: raise NuSMVParsingError.from_nusmv_errors_list(errors) # Update cmps nscompile.cmp_struct_set_read_model(global_compile_cmps())
[docs]def flatten_hierarchy(keep_single_enum=False): """ Flatten the read model and store it in global data structures. :param keep_single_enum: whether or not enumerations with single values should be converted into defines :type keep_single_enum: bool :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVNoReadModelError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVNoReadModelError>` if no model is read yet :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVCannotFlattenError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVCannotFlattenError>` if an error occurred during flattening :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVModelAlreadyFlattenedError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVModelAlreadyFlattenedError>` if the model is already flattened .. warning:: In case of type checking errors, a message is printed at stderr and a :exc:`NuSMVCannotFlattenError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVCannotFlattenError>` is raised. """ # Check cmps if not nscompile.cmp_struct_get_read_model(global_compile_cmps()): raise NuSMVNoReadModelError("Cannot flatten; no read model.") if nscompile.cmp_struct_get_flatten_hrc(global_compile_cmps()): raise NuSMVModelAlreadyFlattenedError( "Model already flattened.") # Update options to reflect keep_single_enum if keep_single_enum: nsopt.set_keep_single_value_vars(nsopt.OptsHandler_get_instance()) else: nsopt.unset_keep_single_value_vars(nsopt.OptsHandler_get_instance()) # Flatten hierarchy ret = nscompile.flatten_hierarchy() if ret != 0: raise NuSMVCannotFlattenError("Cannot flatten the model.") global __symb_table __symb_table = SymbTable(nscompile.Compile_get_global_symb_table())
[docs]def symb_table(): """ Return the main symbols table of the current model. :rtype: :class:`SymbTable <pynusmv.fsm.SymbTable>` """ # Flatten hierarchy if needed global __symb_table if __symb_table is None: if nscompile.cmp_struct_get_flatten_hrc(global_compile_cmps()): __symb_table = SymbTable(nscompile.Compile_get_global_symb_table()) else: flatten_hierarchy() return __symb_table
[docs]def encode_variables(layers=None, variables_ordering=None): """ Encode the BDD variables of the current model and store it in global data structures. If variables_ordering is provided, use this ordering to encode the variables; otherwise, the default ordering method is used. :param layers: the set of layers variables to encode :type layers: :class:`set` :param variables_ordering: the file containing a custom ordering :type variables_ordering: path to file :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVNeedFlatHierarchyError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVNeedFlatHierarchyError>` if the model is not flattened :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVModelAlreadyEncodedError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVModelAlreadyEncodedError>` if the variables are already encoded """ # Check cmps if not nscompile.cmp_struct_get_flatten_hrc(global_compile_cmps()): raise NuSMVNeedFlatHierarchyError("Need flat hierarchy.") if nscompile.cmp_struct_get_encode_variables(global_compile_cmps()): raise NuSMVModelAlreadyEncodedError( "The variables are already encoded.") # See to understand why setting a default set value is not a good idea # layers = layers or {"model"} if variables_ordering is not None: nsopt.set_input_order_file(nsopt.OptsHandler_get_instance(), variables_ordering) encode_variables_for_layers(layers, init=True) # Update cmps nscompile.cmp_struct_set_encode_variables(global_compile_cmps()) # Get global encoding global __bdd_encoding __bdd_encoding = BddEnc(nsenc.Enc_get_bdd_encoding())
[docs]def encode_variables_for_layers(layers=None, init=False): """ Encode the BDD variables of the given layers and store them in global data structures. :param layers: the set of layers variables to encode :type layers: :class:`set` :param bool init: whether or not initialize the global encodings .. warning: Global encodings should be initialized only once, otherwise, NuSMV quits unexpectingly. Note that :func:`encode_variables` initializes them, and should be called before any call to this function. """ if init: nsenc.Enc_init_bool_encoding() # See to understand why setting a default set value is not a good idea # layers = layers or {"model"} bool_enc = nsenc.Enc_get_bool_encoding() base_enc = nsboolenc.boolenc2baseenc(bool_enc) for layer in layers: nsbaseenc.BaseEnc_commit_layer(base_enc, layer) if init: nsenc.Enc_init_bdd_encoding() bdd_enc = nsenc.Enc_get_bdd_encoding() base_enc = nsbddenc.bddenc2baseenc(bdd_enc) for layer in layers: nsbaseenc.BaseEnc_commit_layer(base_enc, layer)
[docs]def bdd_encoding(): """ Return the main bdd encoding of the current model. :rtype: :class:`BddEnc <pynusmv.dd.BddEnc>` """ # Encode variables if needed global __bdd_encoding if __bdd_encoding is None: if nscompile.cmp_struct_get_encode_variables(global_compile_cmps()): __bdd_encoding = BddEnc(nsenc.Enc_get_bdd_encoding()) else: encode_variables() return __bdd_encoding
[docs]def build_flat_model(): """ Build the Sexp FSM (Simple Expression FSM) of the current model and store it in global data structures. :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVNeedFlatHierarchyError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVNeedFlatHierarchyError>` if the model is not flattened :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVFlatModelAlreadyBuiltError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVFlatModelAlreadyBuiltError>` if the Sexp FSM is already built """ # Check cmps if not nscompile.cmp_struct_get_flatten_hrc(global_compile_cmps()): raise NuSMVNeedFlatHierarchyError("Need flat hierarchy.") if nscompile.cmp_struct_get_build_flat_model(global_compile_cmps()): raise NuSMVFlatModelAlreadyBuiltError( "The flat model is already built.") # Simplify the model st = nscompile.Compile_get_global_symb_table() layer = nssymb_table.SymbTable_get_layer(st, "model") ite = nssymb_table.gen_iter(layer, nssymb_table.STT_VAR) variables = nssymb_table.SymbLayer_iter_to_set(layer, ite) sexp_fsm = nsfsm.FsmBuilder_create_scalar_sexp_fsm( nscompile.Compile_get_global_fsm_builder(), global_compile_flathierarchy(), variables) nsset.Set_ReleaseSet(variables) nsprop.PropDb_master_set_scalar_sexp_fsm( nsprop.PropPkg_get_prop_database(), sexp_fsm) # Update cmps nscompile.cmp_struct_set_build_flat_model(global_compile_cmps())
[docs]def build_model(): """ Build the BDD FSM of the current model and store it in global data structures. :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVNeedFlatModelError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVNeedFlatModelError>` if the Sexp FSM of the model is not built yet :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVNeedVariablesEncodedError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVNeedVariablesEncodedError>` if the variables of the model are not encoded yet :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVModelAlreadyBuiltError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVModelAlreadyBuiltError>` if the BDD FSM of the model is already built """ # Check cmps if not nscompile.cmp_struct_get_build_flat_model(global_compile_cmps()): raise NuSMVNeedFlatModelError("Need flat model.") if not nscompile.cmp_struct_get_encode_variables(global_compile_cmps()): raise NuSMVNeedVariablesEncodedError("Need variables encoded.") if nscompile.cmp_struct_get_build_model(global_compile_cmps()): raise NuSMVModelAlreadyBuiltError("The model is already built.") # Build the model pd = nsprop.PropPkg_get_prop_database() sexp_fsm = nsprop.PropDb_master_get_scalar_sexp_fsm(pd) bdd_fsm = nsfsm.FsmBuilder_create_bdd_fsm( nscompile.Compile_get_global_fsm_builder(), nsenc.Enc_get_bdd_encoding(), sexp_fsm, nsopt.get_partition_method( nsopt.OptsHandler_get_instance())) nsprop.PropDb_master_set_bdd_fsm(pd, bdd_fsm) # Register executors enc = nsbddfsm.BddFsm_get_bdd_encoding(bdd_fsm) nstrace.TraceManager_register_complete_trace_executor( nstrace.TracePkg_get_global_trace_manager(), "bdd", "BDD partial trace execution", nstraceexec.bddCompleteTraceExecutor2completeTraceExecutor( nstraceexec.BDDCompleteTraceExecutor_create(bdd_fsm, enc))) nstrace.TraceManager_register_partial_trace_executor( nstrace.TracePkg_get_global_trace_manager(), "bdd", "BDD complete trace execution", nstraceexec.bddPartialTraceExecutor2partialTraceExecutor( nstraceexec.BDDPartialTraceExecutor_create(bdd_fsm, enc))) # Update cmps nscompile.cmp_struct_set_build_model(global_compile_cmps())
[docs]def build_boolean_model(force=False): """ Compiles the flattened hierarchy into a boolean model (SEXP) and stores it it a global variable. .. note:: This function is subject to the following requirements: - hierarchy must already be flattened (:func:`flatten_hierarchy`) - encoding must be already built (:func:`encode_variables`) - boolean model must not exist yet (or the force flag must be on) :param force: a flag telling whether or not the boolean model must be built even though the cone of influence option is turned on. :raises NuSMVNeedFlatHierarchyError: if the hierarchy wasn't flattened yet. :raises NuSMVNeedVariablesEncodedError: if the variables are not yet encoded :raises NuSMVModelAlreadyBuiltError: if the boolean model is already built and force=False """ global __bool_sexp_fsm # check the preconditions if not nscompile.cmp_struct_get_encode_variables(global_compile_cmps()): raise NuSMVNeedVariablesEncodedError("Need variables encoded.") if nscompile.cmp_struct_get_build_bool_model(global_compile_cmps()) and not force: raise NuSMVModelAlreadyBuiltError("The boolean model is already built and the force flag is off") # create the flat model if need be. if not nscompile.cmp_struct_get_build_flat_model(global_compile_cmps()): build_flat_model() # Create the boolean model proper (CompileCmd.c/compile_create_boolean_model) propdb = nsprop.PropPkg_get_prop_database() bool_sexp_fsm = nsprop.PropDb_master_get_bool_sexp_fsm(propdb) # even though the force flag is on, a call to this method will have no effect # if the bool sexp_fsm already exists in the propdb (reproduces the behavior # of CompileCmd.c/compile_create_boolean_model() ) if bool_sexp_fsm is None: benc = __bdd_encoding symb = benc.symbTable mgr = benc.DDmanager # Temporarily disable reordering (if needed) reord= nsdd.wrap_dd_reordering_status(mgr._ptr) if reord.status == 1: nsdd.dd_autodyn_disable(mgr._ptr) # add 'determ' to the default and Artifact classes determ = symb.create_layer("determ", nssymb_table.SYMB_LAYER_POS_BOTTOM) nssymb_table.SymbTable_layer_add_to_class(symb._ptr, "determ", None) nssymb_table.SymbTable_layer_add_to_class(symb._ptr, "determ", "Artifacts Class") # THIS IS THE REAL CREATION !! scalar_sexp_fsm = nsprop.PropDb_master_get_scalar_sexp_fsm(propdb) bool_sexp_fsm = nssexp.BoolSexpFsm_create_from_scalar_fsm( scalar_sexp_fsm, benc._ptr, determ); __bool_sexp_fsm = BoolSexpFsm(bool_sexp_fsm, freeit=False) nsprop.PropDb_master_set_bool_sexp_fsm(propdb, bool_sexp_fsm) # unfortunately, if the C malloc fails, the C assertion will also fail # and result in a program crash. boolenc = nsboolenc.boolenc2baseenc(nsenc.Enc_get_bool_encoding()) nsbaseenc.BaseEnc_commit_layer(boolenc,"determ") bddenc = nsbddenc.bddenc2baseenc(nsenc.Enc_get_bdd_encoding()) nsbaseenc.BaseEnc_commit_layer(bddenc, "determ") # Re-enable reordering if it had been disabled if reord.status == 1: nsdd.dd_autodyn_enable(mgr._ptr, reord.method); # Tell NuSMV that the boolean model was built nscompile.cmp_struct_set_build_bool_model(global_compile_cmps())
def master_bool_sexp_fsm(): """ Return the global boolean SEXP model. :rtype: :class:`BoolSexpFsm <pynusmv.sexp.BoolSexpFsm>` """ global __bool_sexp_fsm if not nscompile.cmp_struct_get_build_bool_model(global_compile_cmps()): raise NuSMVNeedBooleanModelError("boolean model not initialized") if __bool_sexp_fsm is None: propdb = nsprop.PropPkg_get_prop_database() fsm_ptr = nsprop.PropDb_master_get_bool_sexp_fsm(propdb) __bool_sexp_fsm = BoolSexpFsm(fsm_ptr, freeit=False) return __bool_sexp_fsm
[docs]def flat_hierarchy(): """ Return the global flat hierarchy. :rtype: :class:`FlatHierarchy <pynusmv.node.FlatHierarchy>` """ if not nscompile.cmp_struct_get_flatten_hrc(global_compile_cmps()): # Need a flat hierarchy raise NuSMVNeedFlatHierarchyError("Need flat hierarchy.") global __flat_hierarchy if __flat_hierarchy is None: __flat_hierarchy = FlatHierarchy(global_compile_flathierarchy()) return __flat_hierarchy
[docs]def prop_database(): """ Return the global properties database. :rtype: :class:`PropDb <pynusmv.prop.PropDb>` """ if not nscompile.cmp_struct_get_flatten_hrc(global_compile_cmps()): # Need a flat hierarchy raise NuSMVNeedFlatHierarchyError("Need flat hierarchy.") global __prop_database if __prop_database is None: __prop_database = PropDb(nsprop.PropPkg_get_prop_database()) return __prop_database
[docs]def compute_model(variables_ordering=None, keep_single_enum=False): """ Compute the read model and store its parts in global data structures. This function is a shortcut for calling all the steps of the model building that are not yet performed. If variables_ordering is not None, it is used as a file containing the order of variables used for encoding the model into BDDs. :param variables_ordering: the file containing a custom ordering :type variables_ordering: path to file :param keep_single_enum: whether or not enumerations with single values should be converted into defines :type keep_single_enum: bool """ if not nscompile.cmp_struct_get_read_model(global_compile_cmps()): raise NuSMVNoReadModelError("No read model.") # Check cmps and perform what is needed if not nscompile.cmp_struct_get_flatten_hrc(global_compile_cmps()): flatten_hierarchy(keep_single_enum=keep_single_enum) if not nscompile.cmp_struct_get_encode_variables(global_compile_cmps()): encode_variables(variables_ordering=variables_ordering) if not nscompile.cmp_struct_get_build_flat_model(global_compile_cmps()): build_flat_model() if not nscompile.cmp_struct_get_build_model(global_compile_cmps()): build_model()
def is_cone_of_influence_enabled(): """ This function returns true iff the cone of influence (coi) option is enabled. :return: true iff the cone of influence (coi) option is enabled """ opthandler = nsopt.OptsHandler_get_instance() is_coi_enabled = nsopt.OptsHandler_get_bool_option_value( opthandler, "cone_of_influence") return is_coi_enabled