Source code for pynusmv.fsm

The :mod:`pynusmv.fsm` module provides some functionalities about FSMs
represented and stored by NuSMV:

* :class:`BddFsm` represents the model encoded into BDDs. This gives access
  to elements of the FSM like BDD encoding, initial states, reachable states,
  transition relation, pre and post operations, etc.
* :class:`BddTrans` represents a transition relation encoded with BDDs. It
  provides access to pre and post operations.
* :class:`BddEnc` represents the BDD encoding, with some functionalities like
  getting the state mask or the input variables mask.
* :class:`SymbTable` represents the symbols table of the model.


__all__ = ['BddFsm', 'BddTrans', 'BddEnc', 'SymbTable']

import tempfile
from itertools import count

from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.dd import dd as nsdd
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.fsm.bdd import bdd as bddFsm
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.enc.bdd import bdd as bddEnc
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.enc.base import base as nsbaseEnc
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.trans.bdd import bdd as nsbddtrans
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.set import set as nsset
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.compile.symb_table import symb_table as nssymb_table
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.compile import compile as nscompile
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.node import node as nsnode
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.prop import prop as nsprop
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.fsm.sexp import sexp as nssexp
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.utils import utils as nsutils

from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.fsm import fsm as nsfsm
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.opt import opt as nsopt

from .dd import BDD, State, Inputs, StateInputs, DDManager, Cube
from .utils import PointerWrapper, AttributeDict
from .exception import (NuSMVBddPickingError, NuSMVFlatteningError,
                        NuSMVSymbTableError, BDDDumpFormatError)
from .parser import parse_next_expression
from . import node

[docs]class BddFsm(PointerWrapper): """ Python class for FSM structure, encoded into BDDs. The BddFsm provides some functionalities on the FSM: getting initial and reachable states as a BDD, getting or replacing the transition relation, getting fairness, state and inputs constraints, getting pre and post images of BDDs, possibly through particular actions, picking and counting states and actions of given BDDs. """ # BddFsm do not have to be freed. def __init__(self, ptr, freeit=False): """ Create a new BddFsm. :param ptr: the pointer of the NuSMV FSM :param boolean freeit: whether or not free the pointer """ super(BddFsm, self).__init__(ptr, freeit=freeit) self._reachable = None self._deadlock = None self._fair = None def __deepcopy__(self, memo): # No need to copy this FSM return self @property def bddEnc(self): """ The BDD encoding of this FSM. """ return BddEnc(bddFsm.BddFsm_get_bdd_encoding(self._ptr)) @property def init(self): """ The BDD of initial states of this FSM. """ return BDD(bddFsm.BddFsm_get_init(self._ptr), self.bddEnc.DDmanager, freeit=True) @property def trans(self): """ The transition relation (:class:`BddTrans`) of this FSM. Can also be replaced. """ # Do not free the trans, this FSM is the owner of it return BddTrans(bddFsm.BddFsm_get_trans(self._ptr), self.bddEnc, self.bddEnc.DDmanager, freeit=False) @trans.setter def trans(self, new_trans): """ Set this FSM transition to `new_trans`. """ # Copy the transition such that this FSM is the owner new_trans_ptr = nsbddtrans.BddTrans_copy(new_trans._ptr) # Get old trans old_trans_ptr = bddFsm.BddFsm_get_trans(self._ptr) # Set the new trans self._ptr.trans = new_trans_ptr # Free old trans nsbddtrans.BddTrans_free(old_trans_ptr) @property def state_constraints(self): """ The BDD of states satisfying the invariants of the FSM. """ return BDD(bddFsm.BddFsm_get_state_constraints(self._ptr), self.bddEnc.DDmanager, freeit=True) @property def inputs_constraints(self): """ The BDD of inputs satisfying the invariants of the FSM. """ return BDD(bddFsm.BddFsm_get_input_constraints(self._ptr), self.bddEnc.DDmanager, freeit=True) @property def fairness_constraints(self): """ The list of fairness constraints, as BDDs. """ justiceList = bddFsm.BddFsm_get_justice(self._ptr) fairnessList = bddFsm.justiceList2fairnessList(justiceList) ite = bddFsm.FairnessList_begin(fairnessList) fairBdds = [] while not bddFsm.FairnessListIterator_is_end(ite): fairBdds.append( BDD(bddFsm.JusticeList_get_p(justiceList, ite), self.bddEnc.DDmanager, freeit=True)) ite = bddFsm.FairnessListIterator_next(ite) return fairBdds @property def reachable_states(self): """ The set of reachable states of this FSM, represented as a BDD. """ if self._reachable is None: self._reachable = BDD(bddFsm.BddFsm_get_reachable_states( self._ptr), self.bddEnc.DDmanager) return self._reachable @reachable_states.setter def reachable_states(self, reachable_states): self._reachable = reachable_states bddFsm.BddFsm_set_reachable_states(self._ptr, reachable_states._ptr) @property def deadlock_states(self): """ The set of reachable states of the system with no successor. """ if self._deadlock is None: self._deadlock = BDD(bddFsm. BddFsm_get_deadlock_states(self._ptr), self.bddEnc.DDmanager) return self._deadlock @property def fair_states(self): """ The set of fair states of this FSM, represented as a BDD. """ if self._fair is None: self._fair = BDD(bddFsm.BddFsm_get_fair_states(self._ptr), self.bddEnc.DDmanager) return self._fair
[docs] def pre(self, states, inputs=None): """ Return the pre-image of `states` in this FSM. If `inputs` is not `None`, it is used as constraints to get pre-states that are reachable through these inputs. :param states: the states from which getting the pre-image :type states: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` :param inputs: the inputs through which getting the pre-image :type inputs: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` :rtype: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` """ if inputs is None: return BDD(bddFsm.BddFsm_get_backward_image( self._ptr,states._ptr), self.bddEnc.DDmanager, freeit=True) else: return BDD(bddFsm.BddFsm_get_constrained_backward_image (self._ptr, states._ptr, inputs._ptr), self.bddEnc.DDmanager, freeit=True)
[docs] def weak_pre(self, states): """ Return the weak pre-image of `states` in this FSM. This means that it returns a BDD representing the set of states with corresponding inputs <s,i> such that there is a state in `state` reachable from s through i. :param states: the states from which getting the weak pre-image :type states: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` :rtype: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` """ return BDD(bddFsm.BddFsm_get_weak_backward_image(self._ptr, states._ptr), self.bddEnc.DDmanager, freeit=True)
[docs] def post(self, states, inputs=None): """ Return the post-image of `states` in this FSM. If `inputs` is not `None`, it is used as constraints to get post-states that are reachable through these inputs. :param states: the states from which getting the post-image :type states: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` :param inputs: the inputs through which getting the post-image :type inputs: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` :rtype: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` """ if inputs is None: return BDD(bddFsm.BddFsm_get_forward_image(self._ptr, states._ptr), self.bddEnc.DDmanager, freeit=True) else: return BDD(bddFsm.BddFsm_get_constrained_forward_image (self._ptr, states._ptr, inputs._ptr), self.bddEnc.DDmanager, freeit=True)
[docs] def pick_one_state(self, bdd): """ Return a BDD representing a state of `bdd`. :rtype: :class:`State <pynusmv.dd.State>` :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVBddPickingError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVBddPickingError>` if `bdd` is false or an error occurs while picking one state """ # Abstract inputs bdd = bdd.forsome(self.bddEnc.inputsCube) # Apply states mask bdd = bdd & self.bddEnc.statesMask # The BDD contains no states if bdd.is_false(): raise NuSMVBddPickingError("Cannot pick state from false BDD.") state = bddEnc.pick_one_state(self.bddEnc._ptr, bdd._ptr) if state is None: raise NuSMVBddPickingError("Cannot pick state from BDD.") return State(state, self, freeit=True)
[docs] def pick_one_state_random(self, bdd): """ Return a BDD representing a state of `bdd`, picked at random. :rtype: :class:`State <pynusmv.dd.State>` :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVBddPickingError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVBddPickingError>` if `bdd` is false or an error occurs while picking one state """ # Abstract inputs bdd = bdd.forsome(self.bddEnc.inputsCube) # Apply states mask bdd = bdd & self.bddEnc.statesMask # The BDD contains no states if bdd.is_false(): raise NuSMVBddPickingError("Cannot pick state from false BDD.") state = bddEnc.pick_one_state_rand(self.bddEnc._ptr, bdd._ptr) if state is None: raise NuSMVBddPickingError("Cannot pick state from BDD.") return State(state, self, freeit=True)
[docs] def pick_one_inputs(self, bdd): """ Return a BDD representing an inputs of `bdd`. :rtype: :class:`Inputs <pynusmv.dd.Inputs>` :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVBddPickingError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVBddPickingError>` if `bdd` is false or an error occurs while picking one inputs """ # Abstract inputs bdd = bdd.forsome(self.bddEnc.statesCube) # Apply inputs mask bdd = bdd & self.bddEnc.inputsMask # The BDD contains no states if bdd.is_false(): raise NuSMVBddPickingError("Cannot pick inputs from false BDD.") inputs = bddEnc.pick_one_input(self.bddEnc._ptr, bdd._ptr) if inputs is None: raise NuSMVBddPickingError("Cannot pick inputs from BDD.") return Inputs(inputs, self, freeit=True)
[docs] def pick_one_inputs_random(self, bdd): """ Return a BDD representing an inputs of `bdd`, picked at random. :rtype: :class:`Inputs <pynusmv.dd.Inputs>` :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVBddPickingError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVBddPickingError>` if `bdd` is false or an error occurs while picking one inputs """ # Abstract inputs bdd = bdd.forsome(self.bddEnc.statesCube) # Apply inputs mask bdd = bdd & self.bddEnc.inputsMask # The BDD contains no states if bdd.is_false(): raise NuSMVBddPickingError("Cannot pick inputs from false BDD.") inputs = bddEnc.pick_one_input_rand(self.bddEnc._ptr, bdd._ptr) if inputs is None: raise NuSMVBddPickingError("Cannot pick inputs from BDD.") return Inputs(inputs, self, freeit=True)
[docs] def pick_one_state_inputs(self, bdd): """ Return a BDD representing a state/inputs pair of `bdd`. :rtype: :class:`StateInputs <pynusmv.dd.StateInputs>` :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVBddPickingError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVBddPickingError>` if `bdd` is false or an error occurs while picking one pair """ bdd = bdd & self.bddEnc.statesInputsMask # The BDD contains no pairs if bdd.is_false(): raise NuSMVBddPickingError("Cannot pick state/inputs" " from false BDD.") si = bddEnc.pick_one_state_input(self.bddEnc._ptr, bdd._ptr) if si is None: raise NuSMVBddPickingError("Cannot pick state/inputs from BDD.") return StateInputs(si, self, freeit=True)
[docs] def pick_one_state_inputs_random(self, bdd): """ Return a BDD representing a state/inputs pair of `bdd`, picked at random. :rtype: :class:`StateInputs <pynusmv.dd.StateInputs>` :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVBddPickingError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVBddPickingError>` if `bdd` is false or an error occurs while picking one pair """ bdd = bdd & self.bddEnc.statesInputsMask # The BDD contains no pairs if bdd.is_false(): raise NuSMVBddPickingError("Cannot pick state/inputs" " from false BDD.") si = bddEnc.pick_one_state_input_rand(self.bddEnc._ptr, bdd._ptr) if si is None: raise NuSMVBddPickingError("Cannot pick state/inputs from BDD.") return StateInputs(si, self, freeit=True)
[docs] def get_inputs_between_states(self, current, next_): """ Return the BDD representing the possible inputs between `current` and `next_`. :param current: the source states :type current: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` :param next_: the destination states :type next_: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` :rtype: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` """ inputs = bddFsm.BddFsm_states_to_states_get_inputs(self._ptr, current._ptr, next_._ptr) return (BDD(inputs, self.bddEnc.DDmanager, freeit=True) & self.bddEnc.inputsMask)
[docs] def count_states(self, bdd): """ Return the number of states of the given BDD. :param bdd: the concerned BDD :type bdd: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` """ # Apply mask before counting states bdd = bdd & self.bddEnc.statesMask return int(bddEnc. BddEnc_count_states_of_bdd(self.bddEnc._ptr, bdd._ptr))
[docs] def count_inputs(self, bdd): """ Return the number of inputs of the given BDD :param bdd: the concerned BDD :type bdd: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` """ # Apply mask before counting inputs bdd = bdd & self.bddEnc.inputsMask return int(bddEnc. BddEnc_count_inputs_of_bdd(self.bddEnc._ptr, bdd._ptr))
[docs] def count_states_inputs(self, bdd): """ Return the number of state/inputs pairs of the given BDD :param bdd: the concerned BDD :type bdd: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` """ # Apply mask before counting inputs bdd = bdd & self.bddEnc.statesInputsMask return int( bddEnc. BddEnc_count_states_inputs_of_bdd( self.bddEnc._ptr, bdd._ptr))
[docs] def pick_all_states(self, bdd): """ Return a tuple of all states belonging to `bdd`. :param bdd: the concerned BDD :type bdd: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` :rtype: tuple(:class:`State <pynusmv.dd.State>`) :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVBddPickingError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVBddPickingError>` if something is wrong """ # FIXME Still get segmentation faults. Need investigation. # tests/pynusmv/ seems to raise segmentation faults # Apply mask bdd = bdd.forsome(self.bddEnc.inputsCube) & self.bddEnc.statesMask # Get all states (err, t) = bddEnc.pick_all_terms_states(self.bddEnc._ptr, bdd._ptr) if err: raise NuSMVBddPickingError("Cannot pick all states.") else: return frozenset(State(te, self) for te in t)
[docs] def pick_all_inputs(self, bdd): """ Return a tuple of all inputs belonging to `bdd`. :param bdd: the concerned BDD :type bdd: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` :rtype: tuple(:class:`Inputs <pynusmv.dd.Inputs>`) :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVBddPickingError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVBddPickingError>` if something is wrong """ # FIXME Still get segmentation faults. Need investigation. # tests/pynusmv/ seems to raise segmentation faults # Apply mask bdd = bdd.forsome(self.bddEnc.statesCube) & self.bddEnc.inputsMask if bdd.is_false(): return frozenset() # Get all inputs (err, t) = bddEnc.pick_all_terms_inputs(self.bddEnc._ptr, bdd._ptr) if err: raise NuSMVBddPickingError("Cannot pick all inputs.") else: return frozenset(Inputs(te, self) for te in t)
[docs] def pick_all_states_inputs(self, bdd): """ Return a tuple of all states/inputs pairs belonging to `bdd`. :param bdd: the concerned BDD :type bdd: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` :rtype: tuple(:class:`StateInputs <pynusmv.dd.StateInputs>`) :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVBddPickingError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVBddPickingError>` if something is wrong """ # FIXME Still get segmentation faults. Need investigation. # tests/pynusmv/ seems to raise segmentation faults # Apply mask bdd = bdd & self.bddEnc.statesInputsMask if bdd.is_false(): return frozenset() # Get all states inputs (err, t) = bddEnc.pick_all_terms_states_inputs(self.bddEnc._ptr, bdd._ptr) if err: raise NuSMVBddPickingError("Cannot pick all state/inputs pairs.") else: return frozenset(StateInputs(te, self) for te in t)
# ========================================================================= # ===== Static methods ==================================================== # ========================================================================= @staticmethod
[docs] def from_filename(filepath): """ Return the FSM corresponding to the model in `filepath`. :param filepath: the path to the SMV model """ # This function modifies the global environment of NuSMV. from . import glob glob.load_from_file(filepath) glob.compute_model() propDb = glob.prop_database() return propDb.master.bddFsm
[docs] def from_string(model): """ Return the FSM corresponding to the model defined by the given string. :param model: a String representing the SMV model """ # Create temp file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".smv") as tmp: tmp.write(model.encode("UTF-8")) tmp.flush() return BddFsm.from_filename(
[docs] def from_modules(*modules): """ Return the FSM corresponding to the model defined by the given list of modules. :param modules: the modules defining the NuSMV model. Must contain a `main` module. :type modules: a list of :class:`Module <pynusmv.model.Module>` subclasses """ return BddFsm.from_string("\n".join(str(module) for module in modules))
[docs]class BddTrans(PointerWrapper): """ Python class for transition relation encoded with BDDs. A BddTrans represents a transition relation and provides pre and post operations on BDDs, possibly restricted to given actions. """ def __init__(self, ptr, enc=None, manager=None, freeit=True): """ Create a new BddTrans. :param ptr: a NuSMV pointer to a BddTrans :param enc: the BDD encoding of the transition relation :type enc: :class:`BddEnc` :param manager: the DD manager of the BDDs used to encode the relation :type manager: :class:`DDManager <pynusmv.dd.DDManager>` :param freeit: whether or not freeing the pointer """ super(BddTrans, self).__init__(ptr, freeit) self._enc = enc self._manager = manager def _free(self): if self._freeit and self._ptr is not None: # Free it because such a BddTrans is not owned by anyone # nsbddtrans.BddTrans_free(self._ptr) # FIXME Freeing BddTrans can cause Segmentation fault. Should learn # more about NuSMV internal to detect what and how we should free # it self._freeit = False @property def monolithic(self): """ This transition relation represented as a monolithic BDD. :rtype: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` """ ptr = nsbddtrans.BddTrans_get_monolithic_bdd(self._ptr) return BDD(ptr, self._manager, freeit=True)
[docs] def pre(self, states, inputs=None): """ Compute the pre-image of `states`, through `inputs` if not `None`. :param states: the concerned states :type states: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` :param inputs: possible inputs :type inputs: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` :rtype: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` """ nexts = BDD( bddEnc.BddEnc_state_var_to_next_state_var(self._enc._ptr, states._ptr), states._manager, freeit=True) if inputs is not None: nexts = nexts & inputs img = nsbddtrans.BddTrans_get_backward_image_state( self._ptr, nexts._ptr) return BDD(img, self._manager, freeit=True)
[docs] def post(self, states, inputs=None): """ Compute the post-image of `states`, through `inputs` if not `None`. :param states: the concerned states :type states: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` :param inputs: possible inputs :type inputs: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` :rtype: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` """ if inputs is not None: states = states & inputs img = nsbddtrans.BddTrans_get_forward_image_state( self._ptr, states._ptr) img = bddEnc.BddEnc_next_state_var_to_state_var(self._enc._ptr, img) return BDD(img, self._manager, freeit=True)
# ========================================================================= # ===== Static methods ==================================================== # ========================================================================= @classmethod
[docs] def from_trans(cls, symb_table, trans, context=None): """ Return a new BddTrans from the given trans. :param symb_table: the symbols table used to flatten the trans :type symb_table: :class:`SymbTable` :param trans: the parsed string of the trans, not flattened :param context: an additional parsed context, in which trans will be flattened, if not None :rtype: :class:`BddTrans` :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVFlatteningError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVFlatteningError>` if `trans` cannot be flattened under `context` """ trans = node.find_hierarchy(trans) flattrans, err = nscompile.FlattenSexp(symb_table._ptr, trans, context) if err: raise NuSMVFlatteningError("Cannot flatten TRANS") # Build the BDD trans fsmbuilder = nscompile.Compile_get_global_fsm_builder() from .glob import bdd_encoding enc = bdd_encoding() ddmanager = enc.DDmanager clusters = nsfsm.FsmBuilder_clusterize_expr(fsmbuilder, enc._ptr, flattrans) cluster_options = nsbddtrans.ClusterOptions_create( nsopt.OptsHandler_get_instance()) newtransptr = nsbddtrans.BddTrans_create( ddmanager._ptr, clusters, bddEnc.BddEnc_get_state_vars_cube(enc._ptr), bddEnc.BddEnc_get_input_vars_cube(enc._ptr), bddEnc.BddEnc_get_next_state_vars_cube(enc._ptr), nsopt.get_partition_method( nsopt.OptsHandler_get_instance()), cluster_options) nsbddtrans.ClusterOptions_destroy(cluster_options) return BddTrans(newtransptr, enc, ddmanager, freeit=True)
[docs] def from_string(cls, symb_table, strtrans, strcontext=None): """ Return a new BddTrans from the given strtrans, in given strcontex. :param symb_table: the symbols table used to flatten the trans :type symb_table: :class:`SymbTable` :param strtrans: the string representing the trans :type strtrans: str :param strcontext: an additional string representing a context, in which trans will be flattened, if not None :rtype: :class:`BddTrans` :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVTypeCheckingError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVTypeCheckingError>` if `strtrans` is wrongly typed under `context` """ #type_checker =nssymb_table.SymbTable_get_type_checker(symb_table._ptr) if strcontext is not None: strtrans = "(" + strtrans + ")" + " IN " + strcontext # Parse the string trans = parse_next_expression(strtrans) # FIXME Provoke sometimes segmentation faults # Type check # expr_type = nstype_checking.TypeChecker_get_expression_type( # type_checker, trans, None) # if not nssymb_table.SymbType_is_boolean(expr_type): # raise NuSMVTypeCheckingError("The given TRANS is wrongly typed.") # Call from_trans method return cls.from_trans(symb_table, trans)
[docs]class BddEnc(PointerWrapper): """ Python class for BDD encoding. A BddEnc provides some basic functionalities like getting the DD manager used to manage BDDs, the symbols table or the state and inputs masks. """ # BddEnc do not have to be freed. @property def DDmanager(self): """ The DD manager of this encoding. :rtype: :class:`DDManager <pynusmv.dd.DDManager>` """ return DDManager(bddEnc.BddEnc_get_dd_manager(self._ptr)) @property def symbTable(self): """ The symbols table of this encoding. :rtype: :class:`SymbTable` """ base_enc = bddEnc.bddenc2baseenc(self._ptr) return SymbTable(nsbaseEnc.BaseEnc_get_symb_table(base_enc)) @property def statesMask(self): """ The mask for all state variables, represented as a BDD. :rtype: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` """ return BDD(bddEnc.BddEnc_get_state_frozen_vars_mask_bdd(self._ptr), self.DDmanager, freeit=True) @property def inputsMask(self): """ The mask for all input variables, represented as a BDD. :rtype: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` """ return BDD(bddEnc.BddEnc_get_input_vars_mask_bdd(self._ptr), self.DDmanager, freeit=True) @property def statesInputsMask(self): """ The mask for all input and state variables, represented as a BDD. :rtype: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` """ return self.statesMask & self.inputsMask @property def statesCube(self): """ The cube for all state variables, represented as a BDD. :rtype: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` """ return Cube(bddEnc.BddEnc_get_state_frozen_vars_cube(self._ptr), self.DDmanager, freeit=True) @property def inputsCube(self): """ The cube for all input variables, represented as a BDD. :rtype: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` """ return Cube(bddEnc.BddEnc_get_input_vars_cube(self._ptr), self.DDmanager, freeit=True)
[docs] def cube_for_inputs_vars(self, variables): """ Return the cube for the given input variables. :param variables: a list of input variable names :rtype: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` """ from . import glob master = glob.prop_database().master sexp_fsm = nsprop.Prop_get_scalar_sexp_fsm(master._ptr) st = glob.symb_table() inputs = nssexp.SexpFsm_get_vars_list(sexp_fsm) var_nodes = set() ite = nsutils.NodeList_get_first_iter(inputs) while not nsutils.ListIter_is_end(ite): var_node = nsutils.NodeList_get_elem_at(inputs, ite) varname = nsnode.sprint_node(var_node) isVar = nssymb_table.SymbTable_is_symbol_input_var( st._ptr, var_node) if isVar and varname in variables: var_nodes.add(var_node) ite = nsutils.ListIter_get_next(ite) varset = nsset.Set_MakeEmpty() for var in var_nodes: varset = nsset.Set_AddMember(varset, var) cube_ptr = bddEnc.BddEnc_get_vars_cube(self._ptr, varset, nssymb_table.VFT_INPUT) nsset.Set_ReleaseSet(varset) return Cube(cube_ptr, self.DDmanager, freeit=True)
[docs] def cube_for_state_vars(self, variables): """ Return the cube for the given state variables. :param variables: a list of state variable names :rtype: :class:`BDD <pynusmv.dd.BDD>` """ from . import glob master = glob.prop_database().master sexp_fsm = nsprop.Prop_get_scalar_sexp_fsm(master._ptr) st = glob.symb_table() inputs = nssexp.SexpFsm_get_vars_list(sexp_fsm) var_nodes = set() ite = nsutils.NodeList_get_first_iter(inputs) while not nsutils.ListIter_is_end(ite): var_node = nsutils.NodeList_get_elem_at(inputs, ite) varname = nsnode.sprint_node(var_node) isVar = nssymb_table.SymbTable_is_symbol_state_var(st._ptr, var_node) if isVar and varname in variables: var_nodes.add(var_node) ite = nsutils.ListIter_get_next(ite) varset = nsset.Set_MakeEmpty() for var in var_nodes: varset = nsset.Set_AddMember(varset, var) cube_ptr = bddEnc.BddEnc_get_vars_cube(self._ptr, varset, nssymb_table.VFT_STATE) nsset.Set_ReleaseSet(varset) return Cube(cube_ptr, self.DDmanager, freeit=True)
@property def inputsVars(self): """ Return the set of inputs variables names. :rtype: frozenset(str) """ from . import glob master = glob.prop_database().master sexp_fsm = nsprop.Prop_get_scalar_sexp_fsm(master._ptr) st = glob.symb_table() variables = nssexp.SexpFsm_get_vars_list(sexp_fsm) varnames = set() ite = nsutils.NodeList_get_first_iter(variables) while not nsutils.ListIter_is_end(ite): var_node = nsutils.NodeList_get_elem_at(variables, ite) varname = nsnode.sprint_node(var_node) isVar = nssymb_table.SymbTable_is_symbol_input_var( st._ptr, var_node) if isVar: varnames.add(varname) ite = nsutils.ListIter_get_next(ite) return frozenset(varnames) @property def stateVars(self): """ Return the set of state variables names. :rtype: frozenset(str) """ from . import glob master = glob.prop_database().master sexp_fsm = nsprop.Prop_get_scalar_sexp_fsm(master._ptr) st = glob.symb_table() variables = nssexp.SexpFsm_get_vars_list(sexp_fsm) varnames = set() ite = nsutils.NodeList_get_first_iter(variables) while not nsutils.ListIter_is_end(ite): var_node = nsutils.NodeList_get_elem_at(variables, ite) varname = nsnode.sprint_node(var_node) isVar = nssymb_table.SymbTable_is_symbol_state_frozen_var( st._ptr, var_node) if isVar: varnames.add(varname) ite = nsutils.ListIter_get_next(ite) return frozenset(varnames) @property def definedVars(self): """ Return the set of defined variables names. :rtype: frozenset(str) """ from . import glob master = glob.prop_database().master sexp_fsm = nsprop.Prop_get_scalar_sexp_fsm(master._ptr) st = glob.symb_table() variables = nssexp.SexpFsm_get_symbols_list(sexp_fsm) varnames = set() ite = nsutils.NodeList_get_first_iter(variables) while not nsutils.ListIter_is_end(ite): var_node = nsutils.NodeList_get_elem_at(variables, ite) varname = nsnode.sprint_node(var_node) isVar = nssymb_table.SymbTable_is_symbol_define(st._ptr, var_node) if isVar: varnames.add(varname) ite = nsutils.ListIter_get_next(ite) return frozenset(varnames)
[docs] def get_variables_ordering(self, var_type="scalar"): """ Return the order of variables. :param var_type: the type of variables needed; `"scalar"` for only scalar variables (one variable per model variable), `"bits"` for bits for each scalar variables (default: "scalar") :rtype: tuple(str) """ ord_type = (bddEnc.DUMP_BITS if var_type == "bits" else bddEnc.DUMP_DEFAULT) var_list = bddEnc.BddEnc_get_var_ordering(self._ptr, ord_type) variables = [] it = nsutils.NodeList_get_first_iter(var_list) while not nsutils.ListIter_is_end(it): node = nsutils.NodeList_get_elem_at(var_list, it) variables.append(nsnode.sprint_node(node)) it = nsutils.ListIter_get_next(it) nsutils.NodeList_destroy(var_list) return tuple(variables)
[docs] def force_variables_ordering(self, order): """ Reorder variables based on the given order. :param order: a list of variables names (scalar and/or bits) of the system; variables that are not part of the system are ignored (a warning is printed), variables of the system that are not in order are put at the end of the new order. ..note:: For more information on variables orders, see NuSMV documentation. """ # Create temp file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".ord") as tmp: tmp.write("\n".join(str(var) for var in order).encode("UTF-8")) tmp.flush() bddEnc.BddEnc_force_order_from_filename(self._ptr,
[docs] def dump(self, bdd, file_): """ Dump the given BDD into the given file. :param bdd: the BDD to dump. :param file_: the file object in which the BDD is dumped. .. note:: The content of the file is composed of: * the list of variables appearing in the BDD, one variable name per line; * the BDD itself, where each line is: * TRUE: for the TRUE node * FALSE: for the FALSE node * VAR COMP IDTHEN IDELSE: for any other node where VAR is the index of the variable of the node in the list above, COMP is 0 or 1 depending on whether the node is complemented (1) or not (0), and IDTHEN and IDELSE are the indices of the then and else children of the node in the list of nodes (starting at 0 with the first dumped node). The lines are ordered according to an inverse topological order of the DAG represented by the BDD. The two parts of the file are separated by an empty line. """ manager = self.DDmanager._ptr encoder = self._ptr # ----- Extract variables --------------------------------------------- # A class to make BDD pointers hashable class SBW(object): """Simple BDD wrapper""" def __init__(self, bdd): self.bdd = bdd def __eq__(self, other): return (self.bdd == other.bdd if isinstance(other, SBW) else False) def __hash__(self): return int(self.bdd) var_counter = count(0) variables = {} # Variable name to id pending = {SBW(bdd._ptr)} visited = set() while pending: current = pending.pop() visited.add(current) current_ptr = current.bdd # Get variable only if not true and not false if (not nsdd.bdd_is_true(manager, current_ptr) and not nsdd.bdd_is_false(manager, current_ptr)): # Get variable name, sets its ID, print it into file_ index = nsdd.bdd_index(manager, current_ptr) var = bddEnc.BddEnc_get_var_name_from_index(encoder, index) varname = nsnode.sprint_node(var) if varname not in variables: var_id = next(var_counter) variables[varname] = var_id print(varname, file=file_) # Get left child then = SBW(nsdd.bdd_then(manager, current_ptr)) if then not in visited: pending.add(then) # Get right child else_ = SBW(nsdd.bdd_else(manager, current_ptr)) if else_ not in visited: pending.add(else_) # Add empty line before BDD nodes print(file=file_) # ----- Extract BDD nodes --------------------------------------------- visited = set() counter = count(0) ids = {} def dump_recur(bdd): if int(bdd) in visited: return visited.add(int(bdd)) # TRUE node if nsdd.bdd_is_true(manager, bdd): node_id = next(counter) ids[int(bdd)] = node_id print("TRUE", file=file_) # FALSE node elif nsdd.bdd_is_false(manager, bdd): node_id = next(counter) ids[int(bdd)] = node_id print("FALSE", file=file_) # Other node else: # Get children then = nsdd.bdd_then(manager, bdd) else_ = nsdd.bdd_else(manager, bdd) # Dump them dump_recur(then) dump_recur(else_) # Get and set ID node_id = next(counter) ids[int(bdd)] = node_id # Get variable name index = nsdd.bdd_index(manager, bdd) var = bddEnc.BddEnc_get_var_name_from_index(encoder, index) varname = nsnode.sprint_node(var) # Get complemented complemented = nsdd.bdd_iscomplement(manager, bdd) # Print the node line: var_id complemented left_id, right_id print(variables[varname], complemented, ids[int(then)], ids[int(else_)], file=file_) dump_recur(bdd._ptr)
[docs] def load(self, file_): """ Load and return the BDD stored in the given file. :param file_: the file object in which the BDD is dumped. :raise: a :exc:`BDDDumpFormatError <pynusmv.exception.BDDDumpFormatError>` if some error occurs while loading the BDD. .. note:: The content of the file is composed of: * the list of variables appearing in the BDD, one variable name per line; * the BDD itself, where each line is: * TRUE: for the TRUE node * FALSE: for the FALSE node * VAR COMP IDTHEN IDELSE: for any other node where VAR is the index of the variable of the node in the list above, COMP is 0 or 1 depending on whether the node is complemented (1) or not (0), and IDTHEN and IDELSE are the indices of the then and else children of the node in the list of nodes (starting at 0 with the first dumped node). The lines are ordered according to an inverse topological order of the DAG represented by the BDD. The two parts of the file are separated by an empty line. """ manager = self.DDmanager._ptr encoder = self._ptr # Get variable list line = file_.readline() variables_list = [] while line.strip(): variables_list.append(line.strip()) line = file_.readline() # Get variable BDD for each variable variables = {} for current_level in range(1, self.DDmanager.size): index = nsdd.dd_get_index_at_level(manager, current_level) name = bddEnc.BddEnc_get_var_name_from_index(encoder, index) if name is not None: index = bddEnc.BddEnc_get_var_index_from_name(encoder, name) var = nsdd.bdd_new_var_with_index(manager, index) variables[nsnode.sprint_node(name)] = var nodes = [] for line in file_: split = line.split() # Standard node if len(split) > 2: var_id, complemented, left, right = split var_id = int(var_id) left = int(left) right = int(right) # Check var_id and varname if var_id < 0 or var_id >= len(variables_list): raise BDDDumpFormatError("Unknown variable index: " + str(var_id)) if variables_list[var_id] not in variables: raise BDDDumpFormatError("Unknown variable: " + variables_list[var_id]) # Check left and right IDs if left < 0 or left >= len(nodes): raise BDDDumpFormatError("Left child is not a valid ID:" + line) if right < 0 or right >= len(nodes): raise BDDDumpFormatError("Right child is not a valid ID:" + line) # Build and store bdd node bdd = nsdd.bdd_ite(manager, variables[variables_list[var_id]], nodes[left], nodes[right]) if complemented == "1": bdd = nsdd.bdd_not(manager, bdd) nodes.append(bdd) # Leaf node else: value = line.strip() if value == "TRUE": nodes.append(nsdd.bdd_true(manager)) else: # value == "FALSE" nodes.append(nsdd.bdd_false(manager)) return BDD(nodes[-1], self.DDmanager, freeit=True)
[docs]class SymbTable(PointerWrapper): """ Python class for symbols table. """ ins_policies = AttributeDict( SYMB_LAYER_POS_DEFAULT=nssymb_table.SYMB_LAYER_POS_DEFAULT, SYMB_LAYER_POS_FORCE_TOP=nssymb_table.SYMB_LAYER_POS_FORCE_TOP, SYMB_LAYER_POS_TOP=nssymb_table.SYMB_LAYER_POS_TOP, SYMB_LAYER_POS_BOTTOM=nssymb_table.SYMB_LAYER_POS_BOTTOM, SYMB_LAYER_POS_FORCE_BOTTOM=nssymb_table.SYMB_LAYER_POS_FORCE_BOTTOM ) SYMBOL_STATE_VAR = nssymb_table.SYMBOL_STATE_VAR SYMBOL_FROZEN_VAR = nssymb_table.SYMBOL_FROZEN_VAR SYMBOL_INPUT_VAR = nssymb_table.SYMBOL_INPUT_VAR @property def layer_names(self): """The names of the layers of this symbol table.""" layer_names = [] layers = nssymb_table.SymbTable_get_layers(self._ptr) it = nsutils.NodeList_get_first_iter(layers) while not nsutils.ListIter_is_end(it): layer = nssymb_table.node2layer( nsutils.NodeList_get_elem_at(layers, it)) layer_name = nssymb_table.SymbLayer_get_name(layer) layer_names.append(layer_name) it = nsutils.ListIter_get_next(it) return tuple(layer_names)
[docs] def create_layer(self, layer_name, ins_policy=ins_policies.SYMB_LAYER_POS_DEFAULT): """ Create a new layer in this symbol table. :param layer_name: the name of the created layer :type layer_name: :class:`str` :param ins_policy: the insertion policy for inserting the new layer """ if nssymb_table.SymbTable_get_layer(self._ptr, layer_name) is not None: raise NuSMVSymbTableError("Layer %s already exists." % layer_name) return nssymb_table.SymbTable_create_layer(self._ptr, layer_name, ins_policy)
[docs] def get_variable_type(self, variable): """ Return the type of the given variable. :param variable: the name of the variable :type variable: :class:`Node` :rtype: a NuSMV `SymbType_ptr` .. warning:: The returned pointer must not be altered or freed. """ rs = nssymb_table.SymbTable_resolve_symbol(self._ptr, variable._ptr, None) variable = node.Node.from_ptr(nssymb_table. ResolveSymbol_get_resolved_name(rs)) return nssymb_table.SymbTable_get_var_type(self._ptr, variable._ptr)
[docs] def can_declare_var(self, layer, variable): """ Return whether the given `variable` name can be declared in `layer`. :param layer: the name of the layer :type layer: :class:`str` :param variable: the name of the variable :type variable: :class:`Node <pynusmv.node.Node>` :rtype: :class:`bool` """ rs = nssymb_table.SymbTable_resolve_symbol(self._ptr, variable._ptr, None) variable = node.Node.from_ptr(nssymb_table. ResolveSymbol_get_resolved_name(rs)) layer = self._get_layer(layer) return (nssymb_table. SymbLayer_can_declare_var(layer, variable._ptr) != 0)
[docs] def declare_input_var(self, layer, ivar, type_): """ Declare a new input variable in this symbol table. :param layer: the name of the layer in which insert the variable :type layer: :class:`str` :param ivar: the name of the input variable :type ivar: :class:`Node <pynusmv.node.Node>` :param type_: the type of the declared input variable :type type_: :class:`Node <pynusmv.node.Node>` :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVSymbTableError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVSymbTableError>` if the variable is already defined in the given layer .. warning:: `type_` must be already resolved, that is, the body of `type_` must be leaf values. """ rs = nssymb_table.SymbTable_resolve_symbol(self._ptr, ivar._ptr, None) ivar = node.Node.from_ptr(nssymb_table. ResolveSymbol_get_resolved_name(rs)) if not self.can_declare_var(layer, ivar): raise NuSMVSymbTableError("Variable " + str(ivar) + " cannot be " "declared in " + layer + ".") if isinstance(type_, node.Node): type_ = self._get_type_from_node(type_) layer = self._get_layer(layer) nssymb_table.SymbLayer_declare_input_var(layer, ivar._ptr, type_)
[docs] def declare_state_var(self, layer, var, type_): """ Declare a new state variable in this symbol table. :param layer: the name of the layer in which insert the variable :type layer: :class:`str` :param var: the name of the state variable :type var: :class:`Node <pynusmv.node.Node>` :param type_: the type of the declared state variable :type type_: :class:`Node <pynusmv.node.Node>` :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVSymbTableError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVSymbTableError>` if the variable is already defined in the given layer .. warning:: `type_` must be already resolved, that is, the body of `type_` must be leaf values. """ rs = nssymb_table.SymbTable_resolve_symbol(self._ptr, var._ptr, None) var = node.Node.from_ptr(node.find_hierarchy (nssymb_table. ResolveSymbol_get_resolved_name(rs))) if not self.can_declare_var(layer, var): raise NuSMVSymbTableError("Variable " + str(var) + " cannot be " "declared in " + layer + ".") if isinstance(type_, node.Node): type_ = self._get_type_from_node(type_) layer = self._get_layer(layer) nssymb_table.SymbLayer_declare_state_var(layer, var._ptr, type_)
[docs] def declare_frozen_var(self, layer, fvar, type_): """ Declare a new frozen variable in this symbol table. :param layer: the name of the layer in which insert the variable :type layer: :class:`str` :param fvar: the name of the frozen variable :type fvar: :class:`Node <pynusmv.node.Node>` :param type_: the type of the declared frozen variable :type type_: :class:`Node <pynusmv.node.Node>` :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVSymbTableError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVSymbTableError>` if the variable is already defined in the given layer .. warning:: `type_` must be already resolved, that is, the body of `type_` must be leaf values. """ rs = nssymb_table.SymbTable_resolve_symbol(self._ptr, fvar._ptr, None) fvar = node.Node.from_ptr(nssymb_table. ResolveSymbol_get_resolved_name(rs)) if not self.can_declare_var(layer, fvar): raise NuSMVSymbTableError("Variable " + str(fvar) + " cannot be " "declared in " + layer + ".") if isinstance(type_, node.Node): type_ = self._get_type_from_node(type_) layer = self._get_layer(layer) nssymb_table.SymbLayer_declare_frozen_var(layer, fvar._ptr, type_)
[docs] def declare_var(self, layer, name, type_, kind): """ Declare a new variable in this symbol table. :param layer: the name of the layer in which insert the variable :type layer: :class:`str` :param name: the name of the variable :type name: :class:`Node <pynusmv.node.Node>` :param type_: the type of the declared variable :type type_: :class:`Node <pynusmv.node.Node>` :param kind: the kind of the declared variable :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVSymbTableError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVSymbTableError>` if the variable is already defined in the given layer .. warning:: `type_` must be already resolved, that is, the body of `type_` must be leaf values. """ if kind is self.SYMBOL_STATE_VAR: self.declare_state_var(layer, name, type_) elif kind is self.SYMBOL_FROZEN_VAR: self.declare_frozen_var(layer, name, type_) elif kind is self.SYMBOL_INPUT_VAR: self.declare_input_var(layer, name, type_)
[docs] def is_input_var(self, ivar): """ Return whether the given `var` name is a declared input variable. :param ivar: the name of the input variable :type ivar: :class:`Node <pynusmv.node.Node>` :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVSymbTableError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVSymbTableError>` if the variable is not defined in this symbol table """ rs = nssymb_table.SymbTable_resolve_symbol(self._ptr, ivar._ptr, None) ivar = node.Node.from_ptr(nssymb_table. ResolveSymbol_get_resolved_name(rs)) if not nssymb_table.SymbTable_is_symbol_declared(self._ptr, ivar._ptr): raise NuSMVSymbTableError(str(ivar) + " is not declared.") return (nssymb_table.SymbTable_is_symbol_input_var(self._ptr, ivar._ptr) != 0)
[docs] def is_state_var(self, var): """ Return whether the given `var` name is a declared state variable. :param var: the name of the state variable :type var: :class:`Node <pynusmv.node.Node>` :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVSymbTableError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVSymbTableError>` if the variable is not defined in this symbol table """ rs = nssymb_table.SymbTable_resolve_symbol(self._ptr, var._ptr, None) var = node.Node.from_ptr(nssymb_table. ResolveSymbol_get_resolved_name(rs)) if not nssymb_table.SymbTable_is_symbol_declared(self._ptr, var._ptr): raise NuSMVSymbTableError(str(var) + " is not declared.") return (nssymb_table.SymbTable_is_symbol_state_var(self._ptr, var._ptr) != 0)
[docs] def is_frozen_var(self, fvar): """ Return whether the given `var` name is a declared frozen variable. :param fvar: the name of the frozen variable :type fvar: :class:`Node <pynusmv.node.Node>` :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVSymbTableError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVSymbTableError>` if the variable is not defined in this symbol table """ rs = nssymb_table.SymbTable_resolve_symbol(self._ptr, fvar._ptr, None) fvar = node.Node.from_ptr(nssymb_table. ResolveSymbol_get_resolved_name(rs)) if not nssymb_table.SymbTable_is_symbol_declared(self._ptr, fvar._ptr): raise NuSMVSymbTableError(str(fvar) + " is not declared.") return (nssymb_table.SymbTable_is_symbol_frozen_var(self._ptr, fvar._ptr) != 0)
def _get_layer(self, layer_name): """ Get the NuSMV pointer for the layer with `layer_name`. :param :class:`str` layer_name: the name of the layer to get :raise: a :exc:`NuSMVSymbTableError <pynusmv.exception.NuSMVSymbTableError>` if the given layer does not exist """ if layer_name not in self.layer_names: raise NuSMVSymbTableError("Unknown layer:" + layer_name) return nssymb_table.SymbTable_get_layer(self._ptr, layer_name) def _get_type_from_node(self, type_): """ Return the NuSMV pointer of the SymbType corresponding to `type_`. :param type_: the type :type type_: :class:`Type <pynusmv.node.Type>` .. warning:: `type_` must be already resolved, that is, the body of `type_` must be leaf values. """ # Boolean if isinstance(type_, node.Boolean): return nssymb_table.SymbTablePkg_boolean_type() # Unsigned word elif isinstance(type_, node.UnsignedWord): return (nssymb_table. SymbType_create(nssymb_table.SYMB_TYPE_UNSIGNED_WORD, type_.length._ptr)) # Signed word elif isinstance(type_, node.SignedWord): return (nssymb_table. SymbType_create(nssymb_table.SYMB_TYPE_SIGNED_WORD, type_.length._ptr)) # Range elif isinstance(type_, node.Range): # Since body is composed of leaf values, start and stop are numbers # and can be directly used as numbers start = type_.start.value stop = type_.stop.value res = None for i in range(stop, start - 1, -1): res = node.Cons(node.Number(i), res) return (nssymb_table.SymbType_create(nssymb_table.SYMB_TYPE_ENUM, res._ptr)) # Scalar elif isinstance(type_, node.Scalar): return (nssymb_table. SymbType_create(nssymb_table.SYMB_TYPE_ENUM, else: raise NuSMVSymbTableError("Cannot create type for " + str(type_) + ".") def __hash__(self): """ Makes this object hashable. .. warning:: Beware it uses the pointer to implement the hashing function. So it is IDENTITY dependent (in C) and not value dependant. :return: an object that can serve as key to perform the lookup in a dict. """ return int(self._ptr) def __eq__(self, other): """ Equality test between two objects. .. warning:: Beware it uses the pointer to implement the hashing function. So it is IDENTITY dependent (in C) and not value dependant. :return: True iff the two object are the same """ return self._ptr == other._ptr