Source code for pynusmv.exception

The :mod:`pynusmv.exception` module provides all the exceptions used in
Every particular exception raised by a PyNuSMV function is a sub-class
of the :class:`PyNuSMVError` class, such that one can catch all PyNuSMV by
catching :class:`PyNuSMVError` exceptions.


__all__ = ['PyNuSMVError', 'MissingManagerError', 'NuSMVLexerError',
           'NuSMVNoReadModelError', 'NuSMVModelAlreadyReadError',
           'NuSMVCannotFlattenError', 'NuSMVModelAlreadyFlattenedError',
           'NuSMVNeedFlatHierarchyError', 'NuSMVModelAlreadyEncodedError',
           'NuSMVFlatModelAlreadyBuiltError', 'NuSMVNeedFlatModelError',
           'NuSMVModelAlreadyBuiltError', 'NuSMVNeedVariablesEncodedError',
           'NuSMVInitError', 'NuSMVParserError', 'NuSMVTypeCheckingError',
           'NuSMVFlatteningError', 'NuSMVBddPickingError',
           'NuSMVParsingError', 'NuSMVModuleError', 'NuSMVSymbTableError',
           'NuSMVBmcAlreadyInitializedError', 'NuSMVNeedBooleanModelError',
           'NuSMVWffError', 'NuSmvIllegalTraceStateError',

from collections import namedtuple

from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.parser import parser as nsparser
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.node import node as nsnode

[docs]class PyNuSMVError(Exception): """ A generic PyNuSMV Error, superclass of all PyNuSMV Errors. """ pass
[docs]class MissingManagerError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception for missing BDD manager. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVLexerError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception for NuSMV lexer error. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVNoReadModelError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when no SMV model has been read yet. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVModelAlreadyReadError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when a model is already read. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVCannotFlattenError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when no SMV model has been read yet. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVModelAlreadyFlattenedError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when the model is already flattened. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVNeedFlatHierarchyError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when the model must be flattened. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVModelAlreadyEncodedError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when the model is already encoded. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVFlatModelAlreadyBuiltError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when the flat model is already built. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVNeedFlatModelError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when the model must be flattened. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVModelAlreadyBuiltError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when the BDD model is already built. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVNeedVariablesEncodedError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when the variables of the model must be encoded. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVInitError(PyNuSMVError): """ NuSMV initialisation-related exception. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVParserError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when an error occured while parsing a string with NuSMV. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVTypeCheckingError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when an expression is wrongly typed. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVFlatteningError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when an error occured while flattening some expression. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVBddPickingError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when an error occured while picking a state/inputs from a BDD. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVParsingError(PyNuSMVError): """ A :class:`NuSMVParsingError` is a NuSMV parsing exception. Contains several errors accessible through the :attr:`errors` attribute. """ def __init__(self, errors): """ Initialize this exception with errors. :param errors: a tuple of errors :type errors: tuple(:class:`Error`) """ super(NuSMVParsingError, self).__init__(self) self._errors = errors @staticmethod
[docs] def from_nusmv_errors_list(errors): """ Create a new NuSMVParsingError from the given list of NuSMV errors. :param errors: the list of errors from NuSMV """ errlist = [] while errors is not None: error = err = nsparser.Parser_get_syntax_error(error) errlist.append(_Error(*err[1:])) errors = nsnode.cdr(errors) return NuSMVParsingError(tuple(errlist))
def __str__(self): return "\n".join([str(err) for err in self._errors]) def __repr__(self): return repr(self._errors) @property def errors(self): """ The tuple of errors of this exception. These errors are tuples `(line, token, message)` representing the line, the token and the message of the error. """ return self._errors
_Error = namedtuple('Error', ('line', 'token', 'message')) """ An :class:`Error` is a single parsing error generated by NuSMV parser. """ _Error.__str__ = lambda self: "Error at line {}, token '{}': {}".format(*self) _Error.__repr__ = lambda self: "Error at line {}, token '{}': {}".format(*self)
[docs]class NuSMVModuleError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when an error occured while creating a module. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVSymbTableError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when an error occured while working with symbol tables. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVNeedBooleanModelError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when the boolean model must be created. """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVBmcAlreadyInitializedError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when the bmc sub system is already initialized """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVBeFsmMasterInstanceNotInitializedError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when the one tries to access the global master BeFsm while it is not initialized """ pass
class NuSMVBeEncNotInitializedError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when the one tries to access the global BeEnc singleton while it is not initialized """ pass
[docs]class NuSMVWffError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when one tampers with a WFF in an unauthorized way """ pass
class NuSmvSatSolverError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when a sat solver related problem is identified. """ pass
[docs]class NuSmvIllegalTraceStateError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when an operation is made on a trace which is not in an appropriate state (for instance forcing a step to be considered loopback while the parent trace is frozen). """ pass
[docs]class BDDDumpFormatError(PyNuSMVError): """ Exception raised when an error occurs while loading a dumped BDD. """ pass