Source code for pynusmv.dd

The :mod:`pynusmv.dd` module provides some BDD-related structures:

* :class:`BDD` represents a BDD.
* :class:`BDDList` represents a list of BDDs.
* :class:`State` represents a particular state of the model.
* :class:`Inputs` represents input variables values,
  i.e. a particular action of the model.
* :class:`StateInputs` represents a particular state-inputs pair of the model.
* :class:`Cube` represents a particular cube of variables the model.
* :class:`DDManager` represents a NuSMV DD manager.

It also provides global methods to work on BDD variables reordering: :func:`enable_dynamic_reordering`, :func:`disable_dynamic_reordering`,
:func:`dynamic_reordering_enabled`, :func:`reorder`.


__all__ = ['enable_dynamic_reordering', 'disable_dynamic_reordering',
           'dynamic_reordering_enabled', 'reorder',
           'BDD', 'BDDList', 'State', 'Inputs', 'StateInputs', 'Cube',

from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.dd import dd as nsdd
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.node import node as nsnode
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.compile.symb_table import symb_table as nssymb_table
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.enc.bdd import bdd as nsbddEnc
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.utils import utils as nsutils
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.cinit import cinit as nscinit
from pynusmv_lower_interface.nusmv.opt import opt as nsopt

from .utils import PointerWrapper
from .exception import MissingManagerError

[docs]def enable_dynamic_reordering(DDmanager=None, method="sift"): """ Enable dynamic reordering of BDD variables under control of `DDmanager` with the given `method`. :param DDmanager: the concerned DD manager; if None, the global DD manager is used instead. :type DDmanager: :class:`DDManager` :param method: the method to use for reordering: `sift (default method)`, `random`, `random_pivot`, `sift_converge`, `symmetry_sift`, `symmetry_sift_converge`, `window{2, 3, 4}`, `window{2, 3, 4}_converge`, `group_sift`, `group_sift_converge`, `annealing`, `genetic`, `exact`, `linear`, `linear_converge`, `same` (the previously chosen method) :type method: :class:`str` :raise: a :exc:`MissingManagerError <pynusmv.exception.MissingManagerError>` if the manager is missing .. note:: For more information on reordering methods, see NuSMV manual. """ if DDmanager is None: DDmanager_ptr = nscinit.cvar.dd_manager else: DDmanager_ptr = DDmanager._ptr if DDmanager_ptr is None: raise MissingManagerError("Missing manager") method = nsdd.StringConvertToDynOrderType(method) if method == nsdd.CUDD_REORDER_NONE: method = nsdd.CUDD_REORDER_SIFT nsopt.set_dynamic_reorder(nsopt.OptsHandler_get_instance()) nsdd.dd_autodyn_enable(DDmanager_ptr, method)
[docs]def disable_dynamic_reordering(DDmanager=None): """ Disable dynamic reordering of BDD variables under control of `DDmanager`. :param DDmanager: the concerned DD manager; if None, the global DD manager is used instead. :type DDmanager: :class:`DDManager` :raise: a :exc:`MissingManagerError <pynusmv.exception.MissingManagerError>` if the manager is missing """ if DDmanager is None: DDmanager_ptr = nscinit.cvar.dd_manager else: DDmanager_ptr = DDmanager._ptr if DDmanager_ptr is None: raise MissingManagerError("Missing manager") nsopt.unset_dynamic_reorder(nsopt.OptsHandler_get_instance()) nsdd.dd_autodyn_disable(DDmanager_ptr)
[docs]def dynamic_reordering_enabled(DDmanager=None): """ Return the dynamic reordering method used if reordering is enabled for BDD under control of `DDmanager`, None otherwise. :param DDmanager: the concerned DD manager; if None, the global DD manager is used instead. :type DDmanager: :class:`DDManager` :rtype: None, or a the name of the method used :raise: a :exc:`MissingManagerError <pynusmv.exception.MissingManagerError>` if the manager is missing """ if DDmanager is None: DDmanager_ptr = nscinit.cvar.dd_manager else: DDmanager_ptr = DDmanager._ptr if DDmanager_ptr is None: raise MissingManagerError("Missing manager") enabled, method = nsdd.reordering_status(DDmanager_ptr) return nsdd.DynOrderTypeConvertToString(method) if bool(enabled) else None
[docs]def reorder(DDmanager=None, method="sift"): """ Force a reordering of BDD variables under control of `DDmanager`. :param DDmanager: the concerned DD manager; if None, the global DD manager is used instead. :type DDmanager: :class:`DDManager` :param method: the method to use for reordering: `sift (default method)`, `random`, `random_pivot`, `sift_converge`, `symmetry_sift`, `symmetry_sift_converge`, `window{2, 3, 4}`, `window{2, 3, 4}_converge`, `group_sift`, `group_sift_converge`, `annealing`, `genetic`, `exact`, `linear`, `linear_converge`, `same` (the previously chosen method) :type method: :class:`str` :raise: a :exc:`MissingManagerError <pynusmv.exception.MissingManagerError>` if the manager is missing .. note:: For more information on reordering methods, see NuSMV manual. """ if DDmanager is None: DDmanager_ptr = nscinit.cvar.dd_manager else: DDmanager_ptr = DDmanager._ptr if DDmanager_ptr is None: raise MissingManagerError("Missing manager") method = nsdd.StringConvertToDynOrderType(method) if method == nsdd.CUDD_REORDER_NONE: method = nsdd.CUDD_REORDER_SIFT nsdd.dd_reorder(DDmanager_ptr, method, nsdd.DEFAULT_MINSIZE)
[docs]class BDD(PointerWrapper): """ Python class for BDD structure. The BDD represents a BDD in NuSMV and provides a set of operations on this BDD. Thanks to operator overloading, it is possible to write compact expressions on BDDs. The available operations are: * ``a + b`` and ``a | b`` compute the disjunction of ``a`` and ``b`` * ``a * b`` and ``a & b`` compute the conjunction of ``a`` and ``b`` * ``~a`` and ``-a`` compute the negation of ``a`` * ``a - b`` computes ``a & ~b`` * ``a ^ b`` computes the exclusive-OR (XOR) of ``a`` and ``b`` * ``a == b``, ``a <= b``, ``a < b``, ``a > b`` and ``a >= b`` compare ``a`` and ``b`` Any BDD operation raises a :exc:`MissingManagerError <pynusmv.exception.MissingManagerError>` whenever the manager of the BDD is None and a manager is needed to perform the operation. """ # All BDDs are freed by default. Every operation on BDDs that return a new # BDD uses bdd_dup to ensure that the new BDD wraps a pointer to free. def __init__(self, ptr, dd_manager=None, freeit=True): """ Create a new BDD with `ptr`. :param ptr: the pointer to the NuSMV BDD :type ptr: NuSMV ``bdd_ptr`` :param dd_manager: the DD manager for this BDD :type dd_manager: :class:`DDManager` :param freeit: whether the pointer must be freed with the BDD, or not. """ assert(ptr is not None) super(BDD, self).__init__(ptr, freeit) self._manager = dd_manager def _free(self): if self._freeit and self._ptr is not None: nsdd.bdd_free(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr) self._freeit = False def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return self.dup() @property def size(self): """ The number of BDD nodes of this BDD. """ if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() return nsdd.bdd_size(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr)
[docs] def equal(self, other): """ Determine whether this BDD is equal to `other` or not. :param other: the BDD to compare :type other: :class:`BDD` """ if not isinstance(other, BDD): return False if nsdd.bdd_equal(self._ptr, other._ptr): return True else: return False
def __hash__(self): """ Return the hash of this BDD. """ return int(self._ptr) # ========================================================================== # ===== BDD operations =================================================== # ==========================================================================
[docs] def dup(self): """ Return a copy of this BDD. """ # Call to bdd_ptr bdd_dup (bdd_ptr); return BDD(nsdd.bdd_dup(self._ptr), self._manager, freeit=True)
[docs] def is_true(self): """ Determine whether this BDD is true or not. """ # Call to int bdd_is_true (DdManager *, bdd_ptr); if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() if nsdd.bdd_is_true(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr): return True else: return False
[docs] def is_false(self): """ Determine whether this BDD is false or not. """ # Call to int bdd_is_false (DdManager *, bdd_ptr); if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() if nsdd.bdd_is_false(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr): return True else: return False
[docs] def isnot_true(self): """ Determine whether this BDD is not true. """ # Call to int bdd_isnot_true (DdManager *, bdd_ptr); if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() if nsdd.bdd_isnot_true(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr): return True else: return False
[docs] def isnot_false(self): """ Determine whether this BDD is not false. """ # int bdd_isnot_false (DdManager *, bdd_ptr); if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() if nsdd.bdd_isnot_false(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr): return True else: return False
[docs] def entailed(self, other): """ Determine whether this BDD is included in `other` or not. :param other: the BDD to compare :type other: :class:`BDD` """ # Call to int bdd_entailed (DdManager * dd, bdd_ptr f, bdd_ptr g); if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() if nsdd.bdd_entailed(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr, other._ptr): return True else: return False
[docs] def intersected(self, other): """ Determine whether the intersection between this BDD and `other` is not empty. :param other: the BDD to compare :type other: :class:`BDD` """ # Call to int bdd_intersected (DdManager * dd, bdd_ptr f, bdd_ptr g); if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() if nsdd.bdd_intersected(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr, other._ptr): return True else: return False
[docs] def leq(self, other): """ Determine whether this BDD is less than or equal to `other`. :param other: the BDD to compare :type other: :class:`BDD` """ # int bdd_leq (DdManager * dd, bdd_ptr f, bdd_ptr g); if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() if nsdd.bdd_leq(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr, other._ptr): return True else: return False
[docs] def not_(self): """ Compute the complement of this BDD. """ # Call to bdd_ptr bdd_not (DdManager *, bdd_ptr); if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() return BDD(nsdd.bdd_not(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr), self._manager, freeit=True)
[docs] def and_(self, other): """ Compute the conjunction of this BDD and `other`. :param other: the other BDD :type other: :class:`BDD` """ # Call to bdd_ptr bdd_and (DdManager *, bdd_ptr, bdd_ptr); if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() return BDD(nsdd.bdd_and(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr, other._ptr), self._manager, freeit=True)
[docs] def or_(self, other): """ Compute the conjunction of this BDD and `other`. :param other: the other BDD :type other: :class:`BDD` """ # Call to bdd_ptr bdd_or (DdManager *, bdd_ptr, bdd_ptr); if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() return BDD(nsdd.bdd_or(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr, other._ptr), self._manager, freeit=True)
[docs] def xor(self, other): """ Compute the exclusive-OR of this BDD and `other`. :param other: the other BDD :type other: :class:`BDD` """ # Call to bdd_ptr bdd_xor (DdManager *, bdd_ptr, bdd_ptr); if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() return BDD(nsdd.bdd_xor(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr, other._ptr), self._manager, freeit=True)
[docs] def iff(self, other): """ Compute the IFF operation on this BDD and `other`. :param other: the other BDD :type other: :class:`BDD` """ # Call to bdd_ptr bdd_iff (DdManager *, bdd_ptr, bdd_ptr); if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() return BDD(nsdd.bdd_iff(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr, other._ptr), self._manager, freeit=True)
[docs] def imply(self, other): """ Compute the IMPLY operation on this BDD and `other`. :param other: the other BDD :type other: :class:`BDD` """ # Call to bdd_ptr bdd_imply (DdManager *, bdd_ptr, bdd_ptr); if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() return BDD(nsdd.bdd_imply(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr, other._ptr), self._manager, freeit=True)
[docs] def diff(self, other): return self & ~other
[docs] def union(self, other): return self.or_(other)
[docs] def intersection(self, other): return self.and_(other)
[docs] def forsome(self, cube): """ Existentially abstract all the variables in cube from this BDD. :param cube: the cube :type cube: :class:`BDD` """ # Call to bdd_ptr bdd_forsome (DdManager *, bdd_ptr, bdd_ptr); if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() return BDD(nsdd.bdd_forsome(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr, cube._ptr), self._manager, freeit=True)
[docs] def forall(self, cube): """ Universally abstract all the variables in cube from this BDD. :param cube: the cube :type cube: :class:`BDD` """ # Call to bdd_ptr bdd_forall (DdManager *, bdd_ptr, bdd_ptr); if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() return BDD(nsdd.bdd_forall(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr, cube._ptr), self._manager, freeit=True)
[docs] def minimize(self, c): """ Restrict this BDD with c, as described in Coudert et al. ICCAD90. :param c: the BDD used to restrict this BDD :type c: :class:`BDD` .. note:: Always returns a BDD not larger than the this BDD. """ if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() return BDD(nsdd.bdd_minimize(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr, c._ptr), self._manager, freeit=True)
# ========================================================================= # ===== Built-in BDD operations ========================================== # ========================================================================= def __lt__(self, other): return (self <= other) and not self == other def __le__(self, other): return self.leq(other) def __eq__(self, other): return self.equal(other) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.equal(other) def __gt__(self, other): return other.__lt__(self) def __ge__(self, other): return other.__le__(self) def __add__(self, other): return self.or_(other) def __or__(self, other): return self.or_(other) def __mul__(self, other): return self.and_(other) def __and__(self, other): return self.and_(other) def __sub__(self, other): return self & ~(other) def __xor__(self, other): return self.xor(other) def __neg__(self): return self.not_() def __invert__(self): return self.not_() # ========================================================================= # ===== Static methods =================================================== # ========================================================================= @staticmethod
[docs] def true(manager_or_fsm=None): """ Return the TRUE BDD. :param manager_or_fsm: if not `None`, the manager of the returned BDD or the FSM; otherwise, the global FSM is used. :type manager_or_fsm: :class:`DDManager` or :class:`BddFsm <pynusmv.fsm.BddFsm>` """ # Call to bdd_ptr bdd_true (DdManager *); from .fsm import BddFsm if manager_or_fsm is None: from .glob import prop_database manager = prop_database().master.bddFsm.bddEnc.DDmanager elif isinstance(manager_or_fsm, BddFsm): manager = manager_or_fsm.bddEnc.DDmanager else: manager = manager_or_fsm return BDD(nsdd.bdd_true(manager._ptr), manager, freeit=True)
[docs] def false(manager_or_fsm=None): """ Return the FALSE BDD. :param manager_or_fsm: if not `None`, the manager of the returned BDD or the FSM; otherwise, the global FSM is used. :type manager_or_fsm: :class:`DDManager` or :class:`BddFsm <pynusmv.fsm.BddFsm>` """ # Call to bdd_ptr bdd_false (DdManager *); from .fsm import BddFsm if manager_or_fsm is None: from .glob import prop_database manager = prop_database().master.bddFsm.bddEnc.DDmanager elif isinstance(manager_or_fsm, BddFsm): manager = manager_or_fsm.bddEnc.DDmanager else: manager = manager_or_fsm return BDD(nsdd.bdd_false(manager._ptr), manager, freeit=True)
[docs]class BDDList(PointerWrapper): """ A BDD list stored as NuSMV nodes. The BDDList class implements a NuSMV nodes-based BDD list and can be used as any Python list. """ # BDDLists are freed when destroyed, as well as the content. # When getting elements or tuple from a BDDList, copies of BDDs are made # and returned. def __init__(self, ptr, ddmanager=None, freeit=True): super(BDDList, self).__init__(ptr, freeit) self._manager = ddmanager def _free(self): if self._freeit and self._ptr is not None: # Free content ptr = self._ptr while ptr: # Free BDD bdd_ptr = nsnode.node2bdd( if bdd_ptr is not None: nsdd.bdd_free(self._manager._ptr, bdd_ptr) ptr = nsnode.cdr(ptr) # Free list nsnode.free_list(self._ptr) self._freeit = False def __len__(self): ptr = self._ptr length = 0 while ptr: length += 1 ptr = nsnode.cdr(ptr) return length def __getitem__(self, val): """ Return the BDD stored at val. :param val: the index requested OR a slice. .. note:: cannot access elements with negative indices. """ if isinstance(val, int): if val < 0: raise IndexError("BDDList index out of range") ptr = self._ptr while val > 0: if ptr is None: raise IndexError("BDDList index out of range") val -= 1 ptr = nsnode.cdr(ptr) if ptr is None: raise IndexError("BDDList index out of range") bdd_ptr = nsnode.node2bdd( if bdd_ptr is not None: return BDD(nsdd.bdd_dup(bdd_ptr), self._manager, freeit=True) else: return None elif isinstance(val, slice): # TODO Implement slicing raise NotImplementedError("BDDList slice not implemented") else: raise IndexError("BDDList index wrong type") def __iter__(self): ptr = self._ptr while ptr: # Yield BDD copy bdd_ptr = nsnode.node2bdd( if bdd_ptr is not None: yield BDD(nsdd.bdd_dup(bdd_ptr), self._manager, freeit=True) else: yield None ptr = nsnode.cdr(ptr)
[docs] def to_tuple(self): """ Return a tuple containing all BDDs of self. The returned BDDs are copies of the ones of self. """ result = [] for elem in self: result.append(elem) return tuple(result)
# ========================================================================= # ===== Class methods ===================================================== # ========================================================================= @staticmethod
[docs] def from_tuple(bddtuple): """ Create a node-based list from the Python tuple `bddtuple`. :param bddtuple: a Python tuple of BDDs Return a :class:`BDDList` representing the given tuple, using NuSMV nodes. All BDDs are assumed from the same DD manager; the created list contains the DD manager of the first non-`None` BDD. If all elements of `bddtuple` are `None`, the manager of the created :class:`BDDList` is `None`. """ # Reverse tuple before, because we build the list reversely. bddtuple = bddtuple[::-1] nodes = None manager = None for elem in bddtuple: if elem: enode = nsnode.bdd2node(nsdd.bdd_dup(elem._ptr)) if manager is None: manager = elem._manager else: enode = elem nodes = nsnode.cons(enode, nodes) return BDDList(nodes, manager, freeit=True)
[docs]class State(BDD): """ Python class for State structure. A State is a :class:`BDD` representing a single state of the model. """ def __init__(self, ptr, fsm, freeit=True): super(State, self).__init__(ptr, fsm.bddEnc.DDmanager, freeit) self._fsm = fsm
[docs] def get_str_values(self, layers=None): """ Return a dictionary of the (variable, value) pairs of this State. :param layers: if not `None`, the set of names of the layers from which picking the string values :rtype: a dictionary of pairs of strings. """ enc = self._fsm.bddEnc # Get symb table from enc (BaseEnc) table = enc.symbTable # Get symbols (SymbTable) for states if layers is None: layers = nssymb_table.SymbTable_get_class_layer_names(table._ptr, None) symbols = nssymb_table.SymbTable_get_layers_sf_symbols(table._ptr, layers) layers_array = None else: layers_array = nsutils.array_alloc_strings(len(layers)) for i, layer in enumerate(layers): nsutils.array_insert_strings(layers_array, i, layer) symbols = nssymb_table.SymbTable_get_layers_sf_symbols( table._ptr, layers_array) # Get assign symbols (BddEnc) assign_list = nsbddEnc.BddEnc_assign_symbols(enc._ptr, self._ptr, symbols, 0, None) values = {} # Traverse the symbols to print variables of the state assign_list_ptr = assign_list while assign_list_ptr: assignment = var = val = nsnode.cdr(assignment) values[nsnode.sprint_node(var)] = nsnode.sprint_node(val) assign_list_ptr = nsnode.cdr(assign_list_ptr) nsnode.free_list(assign_list) nsutils.NodeList_destroy(symbols) if layers_array: nsutils.array_free(layers_array) return values
# ========================================================================= # ===== Static methods =================================================== # ========================================================================= @staticmethod
[docs] def from_bdd(bdd, fsm): """ Return a new State of fsm from bdd. :param bdd: a BDD representing a single state :type bdd: :class:`BDD` :param fsm: the FSM from which the BDD comes from :type fsm: :class:`BddFsm <pynusmv.fsm.BddFsm>` """ return State(nsdd.bdd_dup(bdd._ptr), fsm)
[docs]class Inputs(BDD): """ Python class for inputs structure. An Inputs is a :class:`BDD` representing a single valuation of the inputs variables of the model, i.e. an action of the model. """ def __init__(self, ptr, fsm, freeit=True): super(Inputs, self).__init__(ptr, fsm.bddEnc.DDmanager, freeit) self._fsm = fsm
[docs] def get_str_values(self, layers=None): """ Return a dictionary of the (variable, value) pairs of these Inputs. :param layers: if not `None`, the set of names of the layers from which picking the string values :rtype: a dictionary of pairs of strings. """ enc = self._fsm.bddEnc # Get symb table from enc (BaseEnc) table = enc.symbTable # Get symbols (SymbTable) for inputs if layers is None: layers = nssymb_table.SymbTable_get_class_layer_names(table._ptr, None) symbols = nssymb_table.SymbTable_get_layers_i_symbols(table._ptr, layers) layers_array = None else: layers_array = nsutils.array_alloc_strings(len(layers)) for i, layer in enumerate(layers): nsutils.array_insert_strings(layers_array, i, layer) symbols = nssymb_table.SymbTable_get_layers_i_symbols(table._ptr, layers_array) # Get assign symbols (BddEnc) assign_list = nsbddEnc.BddEnc_assign_symbols(enc._ptr, self._ptr, symbols, 0, None) values = {} # Traverse the symbols to print variables of the state assign_list_ptr = assign_list while assign_list_ptr: assignment = var = val = nsnode.cdr(assignment) values[nsnode.sprint_node(var)] = nsnode.sprint_node(val) assign_list_ptr = nsnode.cdr(assign_list_ptr) nsnode.free_list(assign_list) nsutils.NodeList_destroy(symbols) if layers_array: nsutils.array_free(layers_array) return values
# ========================================================================= # ===== Static methods =================================================== # ========================================================================= @staticmethod
[docs] def from_bdd(bdd, fsm): """ Return a new Inputs of fsm from bdd. :param bdd: a BDD representing a single inputs variables valuation :type bdd: :class:`BDD` :param fsm: the FSM from which the BDD comes from :type fsm: :class:`BddFsm <pynusmv.fsm.BddFsm>` """ return Inputs(nsdd.bdd_dup(bdd._ptr), fsm)
[docs]class StateInputs(BDD): """ Python class for State and Inputs structure. A StateInputs is a :class:`BDD` representing a single state/inputs pair of the model. """ def __init__(self, ptr, fsm, freeit=True): super(StateInputs, self).__init__(ptr, fsm.bddEnc.DDmanager, freeit) self._fsm = fsm
[docs] def get_str_values(self): """ Return a dictionary of the (variable, value) pairs of this StateInputs. :rtype: a dictionary of pairs of strings. """ enc = self._fsm.bddEnc # Get symb table from enc (BaseEnc) table = enc.symbTable # Get symbols (SymbTable) for states layers = nssymb_table.SymbTable_get_class_layer_names(table._ptr, None) symbols = nssymb_table.SymbTable_get_layers_sf_symbols( table._ptr, layers) isymbols = nssymb_table.SymbTable_get_layers_i_symbols( table._ptr, layers) nsutils.NodeList_concat(symbols, isymbols) nsutils.NodeList_destroy(isymbols) # Get assign symbols (BddEnc) assign_list = nsbddEnc.BddEnc_assign_symbols(enc._ptr, self._ptr, symbols, 0, None) values = {} # Traverse the symbols to print variables of the state assign_list_ptr = assign_list while assign_list_ptr: assignment = var = val = nsnode.cdr(assignment) values[nsnode.sprint_node(var)] = nsnode.sprint_node(val) assign_list_ptr = nsnode.cdr(assign_list_ptr) nsnode.free_list(assign_list) nsutils.NodeList_destroy(symbols) return values
[docs]class Cube(BDD): """ Python class for Cube structure. A Cube is a :class:`BDD` representing a BDD cube of the model. """
[docs] def diff(self, other): """ Compute the difference between this cube and `other` :param other: the other cube :type other: :class:`BDD` """ # Call to bdd_ptr bdd_cube_diff (DdManager *, bdd_ptr, bdd_ptr); # TODO Check that other is a cube! if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() if isinstance(other, Cube): return Cube(nsdd.bdd_cube_diff(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr, other._ptr), self._manager, freeit=True) else: return super(Cube, self).diff(other)
[docs] def intersection(self, other): """ Compute the intersection of this Cube and `other`. :param other: the other Cube :type other: :class:`BDD` """ # Call to bdd_ptr bdd_cube_intersection (DdManager *, bdd_ptr, # bdd_ptr); # TODO Check that other is a cube! if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() if isinstance(other, Cube): return Cube(nsdd.bdd_cube_intersection(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr, other._ptr), self._manager, freeit=True) else: return super(Cube, self).intersection(other)
[docs] def union(self, other): """ Compute the union of this Cube and `other`. :param other: the other Cube :type other: :class:`Cube` """ # Call to bdd_ptr bdd_cube_union (DdManager *, bdd_ptr, bdd_ptr); # TODO Check that other is a cube! if self._manager is None: raise MissingManagerError() if isinstance(other, Cube): return Cube(nsdd.bdd_cube_union(self._manager._ptr, self._ptr, other._ptr), self._manager, freeit=True) else: return super(Cube, self).union(other)
def __sub__(self, other): return self.diff(other) def __add__(self, other): return self.union(other) def __or__(self, other): return self.union(other) def __mul__(self, other): return self.intersection(other) def __and__(self, other): return self.intersection(other)
[docs]class DDManager(PointerWrapper): """ Python class for NuSMV BDD managers. """ @property def size(self): """ The number of variables handled by this manager. """ return nsdd.dd_get_size(self._ptr) @property def reorderings(self): """ Returns the number of times reordering has occurred in this manager. """ return nsdd.dd_get_reorderings(self._ptr)